December 24 2018

My 2 Favorite Boat Ramps In Falmouth


Ryan Collins

The town of Falmouth has great fishing for stripers, bluefish, fluke and false albacore. I got my first taste of boating off Falmouth in elementary school, when my dad brought my family and I to Cuttyhunk.

The island of Cuttyhunk (and the entire Elizabeth Island archipelago) sits just to the west of Falmouth. Boating and fishing along the Elizabeths is a big draw and is typically my main reason for launching my boat in Falmouth.

The island of Martha's Vineyard is also just a short boat ride across Vineyard Sound from the southern shoreline of Falmouth. And off West Falmouth is some very fishy water for tautog, black seabass, and scup.


During early May you will find squid in Vineyard Sound, followed a little later in the month by scup, stripers and bluefish. Falmouth has great bottom fishing opportunities, and there's plenty of great spots off Falmouth to fish including Quick's Hole, Lucas Shoal, Middleground Shoal, the rips off Nobska, Succonesset Shoal, Cleveland Light and plenty others. 

Here's a few of my favorite Falmouth-area bottom fish reports...

If you are a member of My Fishing Cape Cod and would like more detailed info on spots and areas, then make a post in our forum and I would be happy to give you some ideas. Just make sure to tag @admin in your forum post so I don't miss it. 

Once September rolls around, pretty much the only reason I would launch from Falmouth is because I want to chase false albacore. Albies typically arrive off Falmouth's coastline during early September and will sometimes stick around until November. 

Here's my three favorite false albacore and bonito videos and reports from the Falmouth area...

So now that I've set the stage about just some of the great boating and fishing opportunities Falmouth has to offer, lets take a look at two of the best boat ramps in the town, and what you can expect when you launch your boat!

  • I like taking my bike to Cuttyhunk, when we launch from these ramps. Nice ramps and easy ride when using the Elizabeth Islands as a wind buffer.

  • Betsy and I love cycling on the “Shining Sea Bikeway” with a stop at “The Pickle Jar” for lunch in downtown Falmouth.

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