June 14 2016

Fishing The “Bad Daddy” On Buzzard’s Bay


Stephen Madden

On Saturday, June 11th 2016, I had the pleasure to be invited on the boat of Mimi and Russ Diamaro to fish the 2nd annual Bad Daddy Fishing Tournament in Buzzards Bay.

There were some great prizes to be won for the largest Black Seabass, Scup, and Tatoug.

Also onboard for this trip was Tom Heath, the President of Buzzards Bay Anglers Club. Mimi, Russ, Tom and myself are all members of BBAC and we decided to represent the club in this tournament.

At 5:00 am Tom and I were picked up at Besse Park on the Wareham River, which has a nice floating dock and access to Wareham Center. The weather for the day was warm and seas calm, so off we went to fish Buzzards Bay.


We got some promising fishing reports from Michael Thomas of M&D’S Bait & Tackle the day before when purchasing our bait for the trip. Mike had a good supply of locally caught frozen squid as well as fresh live sea worms.

I was very impressed with the 26 foot Dusky Center Console, captained by Russ and his first mate Mimi.

We were immediately informed of all the precautionary information and the locations of safety equipment on their vessel. We all wore our life jackets which is this captain's requirement if you want to fish on his boat!

Once we got pass the no wake zone of the Wareham River, it took only a few minutes to travel to the West End entrance of the Cape Cod Canal. We quickly realized that the fishing would be good when the fish finder lit up and began chirping!

Captain Russ was the first to hook up with a nice Sea Bass, a beautiful female which was released. Our first mate for the day, Mimi Diamauro, taught Tom and I the basics of drifting the bottom with a Squid tipped AL Gags Fluke Rig.

Captain Russ with a beautiful sea bass.

Some of the hungry fish that swim along the bottom of Buzzards Bay this time of year are Sea Robbins, Fluke, Sea Bass, Tatoug and Scup. If you are new to fishing this area then please be sure to check the regulations.

During this trip we were targeting the last three of that list, and if things really worked out we hoped to win some great prizes. However, to my surprise the first fish I caught was not on the list of eligible species. I felt a big tug and set the hook sharply.

It was a good bite and the fish felt strong. My drag was pulling and the rod was bent over. I pumped and reeled and suddenly I felt the fish swimming in circles which I thought quite strange.

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  • Hey Steve. I know this is a blog from years ago but over the winter I have been reading as far back as I can on all the great blogs available. Im new to the site. Though I wish I signed up years ago Im happy to have all years past info available to read up on. Im very interested in this tournament and was wondering how I can get more info on it. I would love to be part of it this season.
    Thank you

    • Eric It all started when Capt. MEL True’s children wanted thier dad to take them out on his boat fishing. Mel had a Charter booked and he couldn’t so his kids said your a “Bad Daddy” Thus he created this Tourney for Adults and Children to fish with each other and are able to win great prizes fishing for the day 🙂

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