June 20 2019

Highlights From This Week On My Fishing Cape Cod


Ryan Collins

This week anglers from the My Fishing Cape Cod community have been posting some great stories, photos and updates to our forum as well as to our social media pages.

I've really enjoyed reading through the updates and learning what everyone is up to fishing-wise. 

The rest of this post will contain just a small preview of some of the highlights, because there are just too many highlights to cram into one blog post! 

I have also included links to where you can get more information about each topic. Please continue reading below. ?


Top Photo Of The Week

Thank you @arubamansander and @vincent_derks for tagging #myfishingcapecod in your Instagram photos during your annual fly fishing trip to Cape Cod! 

The photo above is hands down my favorite photo of the week. Awesome job guys of handling that striper with care and keeping the bass wet for a quick photo before release. ?

If you are interested in learning more about fly fishing on Cape Cod, then please make a post in our fly fishing forum and be sure to check out our fly fishing database of videos, articles and reports. 

Fluke From Shore

Believe it or not, the top search term this week on the My Fishing Cape Cod forum was fluke! This tells me people are getting amped up about the summertime fluke fishery here on Cape.

Cape Cod supports a productive summertime fluke fishery, especially if you are fishing for fluke from boats. However, you can also catch fluke from shore in many spots throughout the Cape.

MFCC members Anthony Besaw and Jordan Brainson both caught fluke from the beach this past week. The fluke were decent size, as you can see in the photos above and below.

If you are interested in learning more about fluke fishing on Cape Cod, then please check out the links below:

And don't forget! ?

We have an active fluke fishing challenge going on right now to see who will be the first member to catch a legal size fluke from the banks of the Cape Cod Canal.

If you catch a legal size fluke from the canal this weekend, then make sure to submit the fish. We have a great prize pack up for grabs!

Squid Are In The Canal

If you've been listening to our podcasts with Jeff Miller of Canal Bait & Tackle, then you already know that mackerel are often one of the most prolific baits in the Cape Cod Canal.

However, this week it appears that squid (not mackerel) have showed up in strong numbers at the Big Ditch. 

The striper bite at the canal has been very slow, or very good, depending who you speak with.

Regardless, MFCC members like Lamont Lopes (who consistently put in the time) have been rewarded with some quality fish.

For the latest updates as well as friendly tips and advice, then please head on over to our Canal forum.

Also be sure to listen to our next weekly podcast, which will be published here on MFCC tomorrow (Friday) June 21st.

In Conclusion

The photos and updates above are just a small preview of what's happening right now inside our forum.

Many folks from MFCC are hitting the beach and getting out on the water, catching stripers, fluke and soon - bluefin tuna.

As we move into the weekend, please stay tuned to My Fishing Cape Cod for the latest updates.

Good luck and have fun if you are able to get out fishing!

Tight lines! ?

What do you think?

Let me know by commenting below.

  • I haven’t had much time to get out fishing. I want to start soon down the canal or surf. The canal seems a intimidating for me. It seems like it’s very territorial not new comer friendly for the rookies. I’m looking for advice on inlets or beaches. Thanks

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