Ryan Collins
Ryan joins the show to provide a striped bass and blue fish report based on intelligence gathered from recent MFCC Group Trips. Ryan also gives us the latest discount codes for MFCC members to utilize and lets us know the latest from the MFCC forum.
Sam Mullin
Sam Mullen of the Goose Hummock joins the podcast to give a detailed report on sea bass, stripers, and blue fish. Sam covers Nantucket Sound, Monomoy, and the inshore bite from the backside beaches.
Mac Fields
Mac Fields then joined the show from Riverview Bait & Tackle down in South Yarmouth, MA. Mac talks about Sea Bass, Scup, and Fluke in Nantucket Sound. He also provides a detailed Cape Cod fresh water fishing report.
Calvin Toran-Sandlin
Lastly, MFCC Member Calvin Torin-Sandlin joins the podcast to provide a fishing forecast on what we can expect over the next several weeks regarding striped bass from shore. Calvin feels the next several weeks present the best opportunity for shore anglers to land big bass from the beach!