May 30 2020

Goose Hummock Fishing Report | May 29th


ryan collins my fishing cape cod breakfast


Yesterday my friends from the Goose Hummock Shops published their weekly Cape Cod fishing report, which goes live each Friday.

Today I just wanted to share the video with you in case you've never tuned-in before to their YouTube channel.

In yesterday's report, captain Phil Howarth from the Goose provided a full update on everything from black sea bass, to bluefin tuna. Click play below to check it out! ?


This past week I was able to go fishing for stripers in Vineyard Sound, as well as fish for black sea bass in Buzzard's Bay. I'll be posting more about that very soon.

Our members inside the forum have also been doing a lot of fishing from shore and boat for stripers, as well as bottom fishing for sea bass, scup and tautog.

Good luck if you head out this weekend. Be safe, be courteous and have fun! I will get back in touch again very soon.

Tight lines ?

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