June 27 2013

How to Catch a Striper this Weekend on Cape Cod | Podcast #3



Fishing Cape Cod for striped bass typically becomes more challenging once the heat of summer rolls around-but it doesn't have to be that way. If you can connect a few of the most important dots, then you can dramatically increase your odds of Cape Cod striped bass fishing success.

In this week's podcast I want to help you understand what the dots are, and how best to go about connecting them. I don't have all the answers, but I do think I can help you get on the board this week with a few nice fish of your own.

Dot #1 | Go where the fish are

It's pretty hard to catch a fish when you are fishing an area devoid of life. Therefore the first and most important dot to connect is to head to an area where there is a high likelihood of bass being present.

Thankfully we have an awesome crew of 340 passionate anglers sharing information in our forum to help us connect this dot. In addition, I'll add in where I think you will have a solid chance of hooking into a decent striper.

Dot #2 | Use a proven technique

Knowing what lure or bait to select can be confusing when there are literally thousands of options to choose from. I find it easy to be overwhelmed when I walk into a place like Bass Pro Shops or even some of the local shops here on Cape Cod. You could spend all day debating what color, size, weight or action will work.

That's why I think it's best to keep things as simple as possible with your chosen technique. Connecting the dots with regards to technique is a matter of putting something you have confidence with into the water and sticking with it-until you know for sure it's time to mix it up.

Dot #3 | Sticking with a strategy

Once you know where to fish and what to use, the only missing ingredient is having a strategy. A sound strategy will "bring it all together" and help you be more efficient on the water and on the beach. Efficiency is important, since most of us don't have an entire day or week to devote to finding and catching fish.

The last dot that we'll connect in this week's podcast is how to tie it all together. Put another way, you can have the right bait and be in the right area, but how can you ensure that what you're doing will pay off?

Developing a sound strategy while on the water or on the beach is what it's all about.

As always thank you for checking out this podcast and the MFCC blog. I am hoping we can grow our community to 500 members by the end of this summer. So if you like what you hear considering hopping on board - we'd love to have you!

click here to listen

This week's NEW members video:

Earlier this week I was fortunate to encounter a big time bass blitz in less than 1 foot of water. It was crazy!

While good luck always has a place in surf casting, I did know we had a fairly decent chance of encountering an all out blitz. In this members' video I recap this past week's trip and provide some friendly pointers to help you find shallow water action of your own.

If you are a MFCC member, simply login and then click below to view the video.


Questions or feedback? Send me an email

I really enjoy hearing from MFCC blog readers and members. If you have any questions, ideas for future posts and podcasts, or just some general feedback I encourage you to send me an email via [email protected]

It might take me a day or two to get to your email, but I make an effort to answer each email I receive, so I can guarantee that you'll get a sincere response.

Talk to you soon!

Don't forget!

If you have been on the fence about joining MFCC then this is the weekend to do it.

To help fund new projects and push our community forward, membership to MFCC for anglers who sign up after July 1st (Monday) will be $11.99 per month - a $2 increase from the current $9.99 month rate.

I understand that this is just a modest increase, but it will help us achieve our goals as a community in the long run.

You can still lock in the current membership rate of $9.99 per month by signing up this weekend. And of course, you'll still get your first 30 days for just $1, so you can check out the site and see if it's right for you.

Click here to see what MFCC membership is all about

Items mentioned in this podcast include:

How to Catch Striped Bass when Everyone Else is Getting Skunked

 Tube and Worming for Big Striped Bass

Fishing the Rips of Monomoy

Locating Prime Cape Cod Canal Jigging Spots

Why are Certain Canal Fishing Spots Better than Others?

Fishing Live Eels from Shore

Reports mentioned in this podcast:

Big Time Bass Blitz | June 25 Cape Cod Surfcasting Report

Cape Cod Canal Fishing Report | June 24

Extended fishing reports:

 Extended Big Time Bass Blitz Report | June 25

Extended Cape Cod Canal Fishing Report | June 24

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