December 9 2018

Public Service Announcement: We Need to Learn How to Spell “Stripers”


Lauren Collins

This past year I have had the great opportunity to learn a lot about fishing (whether I wanted to or not).  If you've sent us an email over the past year, chances are it went to me first, because Ryan is literally never home in the summer.

I answered many of your questions, always by first asking Ryan what the answer is, and then responding to your emails as if I know everything there is to know about fishing.

You were probably very impressed, right??

All kidding aside, I can now tell you what setup to use at the canal, I can change your password for you, give you helpful advice on fishing around the Cape and refer you to the forum when I've run out of answers.


But if there's one thing that I can't get enough of, its y'alls improper spelling of the word "striper".  

Let me be clear, there is a very big difference between a striper and a stripper!

Now I know that the latest cell phone technology will spellcheck and change words for you automatically, but please people, proofread your messages!

Or maybe don't...because messages like this one bring a lot of joy to my day.

That being said, today I'd like to share with you some of my favorite and most memorable "stripper messages" I've received over this past year.  

As a disclaimer, I am not laughing at you, I am laughing with you!

The Guy Who's Hoping To Snag A Stripper On His Anniversary 

The Stripper Biomass

Looks like we missed out on a new member signup because we forgot to report about the biomass of strippers that invaded the canal on this day.

Strippers at the Bourne Bridge, the Canal, questions about Labor Day weekend...

A legendary day at the canal!

The Recent Rebound Of Strippers

Yes it is true that strippers have made a strong return to Cape Cod, thanks to the stripper moratorium of the 1980's.

The Strippers In The Cape Cod Canal

There are no strippers in the canal...

The New Stripper Fishermen

Unfortunately we are also new to stripper fishing, and don't have any resources for you. Perhaps try another online forum or website.

Will My Reel Work For Strippers?

Start 'em Young, I Guess?

The Spring Stripper Run to Cuttyhunk

A Quick Search in the Forum Never Disappoints Either

Valuable Information

Or This Guy that Just Needs to Catch a Break

So there you have it, a look into the life of the My Fishing Cape Cod professional email reader (me).  

These are true gems, and to whoever wrote these (you may even recognize one as yours!) you have made me laugh so many times, so thank you!  

Tight lines and make sure to check your spelling ?


What do you think?

Let me know by commenting below.

About the author 

Lauren Collins

Through the eyes of a fishermans' wife, I'm excited to share my cooking and photography with you here on MFCC. You can learn more about cooking, and get more recipes by visiting my website Creatively Delish.

  • Word has it that the last good stripper bite was at the Mashpee Ballet. They were being taken on greenbacks in the late evening and early morning hours at low slack.

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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