June 8 2018

Stripers To 48 Inches | June 8th Podcast Report


Kevin Collins

Hello and welcome to ​sixth episode of the 2018 My Fishing Cape Cod podcast! This episode was recorded earlier today (Friday ​June 8th) and we have a ​ton of fishing information to share with you!

Stripers as large as 48 inches have been caught this week during My Fishing Cape Cod group fishing trips, and in this podcast you will get the latest intel on surfcasting from the beach and fishing the Cape Cod Canal - plus what's going on in Nantucket Sound, from boats in Cape Cod Bay and elsewhere. 

As always we are joined in this podcast by MFCC founder Ryan Collins and Jeff Miller of Canal Bait & Tackle. ​Additionally, we're once again joined by Sam​ Brown of The Goose Hummock Shops in Orleans and Dennis. 


Ryan Collins

MFCC Founder

We leads off the podcast with Ryan, who provides a full surfcasting report for the Lower Cape & Cape Cod Bay area. Plus Ryan shares with us a remarkable story about meeting a Holocaust survivor this morning in Wellfleet.

Ryan ​also provides us with an update on the 2018 MFCC Derby leaderboard which is now chock-full of quality fish as the striper migration continues to push into the Cape Cod area. 

Jeff Miller

Canal Bait & Tackle

Next up is our good friend Jeff Miller of Canal Bait & Tackle. Each week, Jeff provides us with full scoop of what's going on along the banks of the Cape Cod Canal. 

During our call with Jeff you will learn what the hottest tides have been, and how anglers have been targeting the larger 20-30lb striped bass this week at the Big Ditch.

Dan Jones

The Goose Hummock

We cap off today's podcast episode by once again checking in with Sam Brown of The Goose Hummock Shops in Orleans and Dennis. You might recognize Sam from season #1 of My Fishing Cape Cod TV on NBC SportsBOSTON.

Sam gives an updated and very detailed report on fishing Nantucket Sound, as well as a full striped bass boat fishing report for the Cape Cod Bay region.

To listen to today's podcast, please make sure you are logged-in as a MFCC member, and then click play below.

  • Awesome updates guys! Jeff Miller – some great tips and ideas on how and where…Joe “the great Bills fan” sounds like a good guy, Go Bills!

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