November 16 2023

More 2023 Personal Bests from the Surf!

by Ryan Collins

A couple of weeks ago I shared this blog post about some of the amazing catches My Fishing Cape Cod members shared this season inside our private forum.

Since publishing that post, anglers inside our forum have chimed-in with more of their own personal bests caught from the surf this 2023 season.

So let's take another look back at some of these awesome PB catches from 2023 that continue being shared by our members inside the My Fishing Cape Cod forum

Leslie Kalinowski

  • Member of My Fishing Cape Cod since 2018

The Cape has been part of our Leslie Kalinowski's family tradition for many generations. The Cape is in her blood! The National Seashore in particular is one of her favorite places to be-anytime of the year.

For Leslie, fishing is a wonderful way to connect with nature, walk and explore some of the most beautiful areas on the Cape. According to Leslie, fishing is "a unique way to use my brain", as well as connect with others and learn something new.

Leslie has also been a nurse for 37 years! She caught this beautiful bass (her personal best from shore) this past season in Cape Cod Bay.

Mark Bonvouloir

  • Member of My Fishing Cape Cod since 2017

Mark admits that he doesn't take the best fish pics, but nevertheless we wanted to share this spectacular catch from the Cape Cod Canal

According to Mark, this fish measured around 49 inches long! 

The best part...he caught "her twin sister" on the very next cast-the two biggest bass he's ever touched.

Tommy Lee

  • Member of My Fishing Cape Cod since 2017

Tommy Lee had a great season of catching some terrific bass and blues from the beautiful beaches of Outer Cape Cod.

Grant Stark

  • Member of My Fishing Cape Cod since January 2023

Grant recently moved to the Cape from Arizona, and since then he's been enjoying the Cape's diverse fishery on a daily basis.

According to Grant he's learned A LOT in his first year of fishing Cape Cod. 

So much so that we just recorded a podcast with him! Stay tuned for that coming soon. 🎣

Mike Remlinger

  • Member of My Fishing Cape Cod since April 2023

According to Mike...

"Three fish 40+ for me in my first full time effort at chasing stripers, one from boat. I’ve been lucky enough to fish quite a bit this year."

Kevin Johndrow

  • Member of My Fishing Cape Cod since 2020

Here are just a few of some of the better photos that Kevin Johndrow managed this season.

Kevin spent a lot of nights surfcasting in 2023, but wouldn't you figure, his largest bass was caught during the day.

Johan Frenje

  • Member of My Fishing Cape Cod since 2020

Johan Frenje got off to a fast start in 2023 catching this beautiful holdover bass during April.

Quality fly fishing continued for Johan throughout the year, as he explored and fished various Cape locations, as well as areas off Cape and even the Cape Cod Canal.

Mike Marcus

  • Member of My Fishing Cape Cod since 2018

We featured one of Mike's 40 inch stripers in the previous personal bests post that I published two weeks ago, but here he is again with a 35 inch "Gator" blue!

Mike is very active inside our forum, and he is actually the one who started the Personal Bests forum thread back on October 23rd.

Thank you Mike!

Jim Kelly

  • Member of My Fishing Cape Cod since 2019

Jim Kelly always seems to be dialed-in when it comes to fishing at the Cape Cod Canal. This season Jim caught quality bluefish, as well as striped bass of up to 46 inches!

Brandon McCurley

  • Member of My Fishing Cape Cod since 2018

Brandon McCurley caught his personal best recently in October while fishing in Upper Buzzard's Bay.

Awesome photo Brandon!

In Conclusion

Thanks for checking out this post!

As I've said before, the fall season isn't over yet, and we still have a lot of cool stuff to look forward to, including a lot of great freshwater fishing here on Cape Cod.

We have some terrific freshwater threads inside our forum, like our Trout Time thread, so be sure to check that out throughout the winter.

In closing, I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!

And be sure to stay tuned for some special deals I'll be unveiling this Black Friday through Cyber Monday.

Tight lines! 🎣

About the author 

Ryan Collins

I'm fortunate to have grown up on the beach, and I've been fishing since kindergarten. I have great family, friends and fishing experiences to be thankful for. Just being out there is enough-catching fish is just a bonus!

  • Looking at these photos sort of make me a little envious that my physicality’s will not allow me to fish like I once was able to. It was great to see these photos being shared by the members of MY Fishing Cape Cod . One can still dream . Peace and Prayers

    • I can definitely understand what you’re saying Carl. I do not take my good healthy for granted. It’s a blessing to be able to walk the beach and cast. Despite the limits of your physicality, we all very much appreciate your posts here on the site! You’ve been an amazing addition to the community and it’d be great to see you this winter or spring at one of our meetups or events.

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