October 14 2013

New Additions for Members


So far my 2013 saltwater Cape Cod fishing season has been really great. I've caught a few fish, met quite a few MFCC members and had a lot of fun. I can't thank you guys enough for what's been a fantastic year.

Along the way I have been listening to all your recommendations for this site. Some of you have provided me with some creative ideas on how to improve the content, navigation and the forum. As always I appreciate your input and insight.

One topic that's been requested over and over again are more articles, videos and information about specific places on Cape Cod to fish. In addition, people have been asking for places that are scenic, and are nice spots to take the dog and family.

I think this is a great idea and while I can't divulge exact locations of my "honey holes" I can most certainly offer more specific information on great places on Cape Cod to fish and visit.

Weekly Spot | a new addition for members

From this point forward MFCC members will have access to a new fishing spot of the week page immediately after logging in. Every 7 days a new article, highlighting an area on Cape Cod worth exploring and taking a few casts, will appear on this page.

Whenever I can I will include photos and even a video or two of the area. Think of this new addition as a virtual fishing tour of Cape Cod & the Islands.

Fishing spots of the week will start publishing today and continue at a pace 1 per week through the fall, winter and right into the 2014 season.

Check out the below screen capture video for information on how to access this new addition:

Not yet a My Fishing Cape Cod member? No worries, you can sign up by clicking here.

Weekly Videos

In addition to the weekly spot, MFCC members will also have access to a weekly video. These videos will highlight fishing tips, strategies and a variety of other topics.

Just like the weekly spot, a new weekly video will be available every 7 days.

Accessing all of this content will be super easy and simple. If you need a helping hand the below screen capture video will show you exactly where to find the weekly videos:

Not yet a My Fishing Cape Cod member? No worries, you can sign up by clicking here.

This Week's Fishing Plans

This week I am planning on taking the Miss Loretta (my boat) to Cuttyhunk Island. My idea is to dock the boat and explore and fish the island on foot for the day. This will be a first for me and I am really looking forward to it.

Cuttyhunk is big bass territory, so who knows I may just tie into a few real nice fish.

With relatively light winds predicted for the next 5 days I also hope to venture out for a shot at a bluefin tuna. We will probably try trolling ballyhoo somewhere off Chatham, or anchor up and fish live bait in Cape Cod Bay.

Either way I think the next 7 days holds a lot of fishing potential for anyone who is able to sneak out onto the water, the beach or the Canal. While there is still time to find some good saltwater fishing off Cape Cod, I must admit that the clock is ticking.

Snow and cold weather are coming, so we might as well get out there now while we can!

Tight lines and take care,



  • Ryan – our fishing season is coming to a close, and without a doubt, we have increased our knowledge and success. Your hard work has kept this site interesting, fun and our first stop when seeking fishing information. Just this past week we’ve had a lot of fun catching small bass on the South side, using the info on the site. Thanks so much and good luck on Cuttyhunk. We look forward to the new info.

    • That is all awesome to hear Jane. I am very happy that you are getting a lot of value from the site. That’s the idea!

      Cuttyhunk was really awesome. Have you ever visited Cutty? I highly recommend it, and I’ll have a new post about it going live tomorrow.

      This winter should be great, and I’m already chomping at the bit for next spring.

      Thanks as always for you continued support. I really appreciate it.

      Take care,


      • We went over for a one day visit a few years ago, it is really beautiful.

        BTW – the Knob is on our list for places to visit with company, we go every year. As further testament to the influence of your site, this year I said to myself, that Ryan probably would think this is a good place to fish, and lo and behold, it’s your first weekly spot. 🙂

        • I agree, Cutty is about as nice as it gets.

          Great to hear about the Knobb! I’ll fish there on occasion but most of the time I find myself walking the trail out to the Knobb with the GF and an iced coffee.

          Great spot for a leisurely stroll.

    • Thanks Art, they are just the tip of the iceberg. I have a lot in store for this winter. Plus spring of 2014 will be here before we know it.

      Thanks for you support as well this season. It’s been great having you onboard and I hope to meet you soon.

      If all goes well I will be having a My Fishing Cape Cod seminar/meet up at some point in the near future.


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