November 8 2019

November 7th Striper Blitz Caught On Drone


Ryan Collins

November is definitely not a "prime" month for striper fishing on Cape Cod. Most of the bass (especially the big ones) have migrated out of Cape waters by this time of year.

The weather is also a lot more difficult during November, and with less fish around, successfully finding and catching is much more of a challenge.

So far this November I had been skunked, but that all changed yesterday morning at sunrise. As soon as I stepped foot onto the beach I could see hundreds of birds and bass swirling on the surface!


Click play below to watch a video preview of the action. ?

In total I caught around 10 schoolies which were all covered in sea lice, and the action was still going strong when I left the beach at around 9am.

It was a terrific morning!

Who knows what today's gale force winds will do to the striper fishing here on Cape.

Nevertheless I am hopeful there will be at least a few bass kicking around right up until Thanksgiving.

Tight lines! ?

What do you think?

Let me know by commenting below.

    • My boyfriend and I are heading to the outer cape for Thanksgiving. Is there any fishing to be had this late in the year? And if so, where would you recommend trying?

      • Hey Mary,

        Happy early Thanksgiving!

        Right now you might be able to find a few very late season stripers in the estuaries, places like Wellfleet bay and the Pamet River, for example. However most of the saltwater fishing is pretty much over until next season, as most of the saltwater fish have migrated south.

        You would have a better bet targeting trout, largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, and other freshwater species. The ponds of Nickerson State Park are a great bet. The fishing can be good there and the scenery is spectacular.

        Swing into the Goose Hummock Shop in Orleans if you get a chance. Tell them Ryan from My Fishing Cape Cod sent you and they will do their best to point you in the right direction.

        Tight lines!


  • Ryan, a birds eye view of birds – how cool is that. I thoroughly enjoy watching your drone footage – you have a terrific perspective and ability to capture the “real world” in a fascinating manner.

    Looking forward to your next one.

  • Really interesting footage and really difficult to see what the Gulls were homing in on in terms of fish activity, let alone the bait they were both after. Gulls must have excellent vision!

    • I wasn’t able to figure out the bait either David, but I did have a few fish boil up next to me, and the bait looked to be in the 3-4 inch range. Not sure what species. The birds definitely have amazing vision – they are the best anglers!

    • Thanks Jeanne! The video was filmed just a few miles east of where you caught your first-ever striper. Hopefully they will still be around after this wind settles down. Gluck!

  • Well, you can’t catch ’em if you aren’t there and I am down in windy, chilly Connecticut. How come I didn’t see a good blitz in September? Damn. Right place, right time is everything, in fishing and life.

  • Hi Ryan
    I enjoy reading your columns they are very informative and thanks. How long do the bluefin stay around the Nauset/Chatham area? My friend caught a nice size recreational bluefin on November 4 and I was on a charter at the Regal Sword and there were schools chasing bait.

    • Hey Henry,

      November can definitely be a great month for tuna fishing not just east of Chatham but also north up on Stellwagen. In fact, we hooked up once during December. The tricky part is finding a good weather window.

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