June 2 2018

Releasing Big Fish With MFCC Members | June 2nd Report


Ryan Collins

Yesterday I brought two members of My Fishing Cape Cod with me on my boat the Miss Loretta, with the goal of putting them on some nice stripers, while also teaching them how to fish certain areas on Cape Cod.

This trip was part of the limited number of educational charters I am offering this season to My Fishing Cape Cod members. These trips are a great opportunity to not just put some fish in the boat, but to also learn about different techniques and spots.

For this trip I had two longtime members onboard, Ron Rudowsky of Plymouth, MA and Drew Hamilton of Connecticut. Both of these guys have been members of MFCC for several years and I was excited to finally get a chance to fish with them.


At 5:15am yesterday morning we all met at the boat ramp pictured below.

  • Well, I may have solved the mystery of the 2 holes in the head of the bass I caught. While fishing yesterday I hooked a ball in the tail & head while trolling. When I removed the hood in the bass’s head, there were two holes, just like the bass caught on the Trip with Ryan. Go figure…

  • It was fun fishing with Ryan and getting to know Drew, who is a pretty darn good fisherman himself. Besides catching some nice fish you always learn something on every trip. I wanted to fish Billingsgate Shoal and Ryan’s knowledge of the area will save me time when I next visit the Shoal, in my boat. I also learned some of the finer tips about catching mackerel and live lining bai, as well as the other methods we tried. I personally think these educational charters are the best, from any person new to the sport up to an old salt. If you’re thinking about it, give it a try…

  • Nice fish in the bay, 28 to 33 inches seem to be the size,vertical jigging working.
    Some big mackerel as well.

  • Great trip Ryan and Ron, thanks again. I’ve learned a lot from the MFCC site over the past few years, and having the opportunity to spend several hours on the boat with Ryan was another excellent learning (and catching) experience. Ryan is an excellent teacher and he does it in such a way where you don’t feel silly for not already knowing how to do something – whether it is applying a certain technique, or simply forgetting to use your thumb to guide line back on to the reel properly. I learned 2-3 new techniques and now have a lot more confidence in my ability to find and catch fish. It was also nice to meet another MFCC member. Ron is a solid fisherman who was also willing to share his knowledge and experience. It was a pleasure to meet and fish with both of these guys.

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