September 2 2020

Cape Cod’s Shallow-Water Peanut Bunker Blitzes


There is nothing more exciting than a shoreline blitz! In this post you'll see brand new images and video of stripers on the hunt in shallow water.

I filmed the following clips on August 29th and August 30th. On these days peanut bunker were being trapped in shallow by stripers.

In this first video from 8/29, a school of stripers is cruising in less than 3 feet of water, virtually right up against the shoreline. These fish were swimming quickly towards a school of peanut bunker.

Click play below to check it out! ?


*PS - MFCC members can click here to watch an additional 4 minutes of footage, and get more information about the striper videos shown in this post.

In my experience, the first peanut bunker blitzes in the Cape area occur in early/mid August and can continue through October. 

A few weeks ago the peanuts I was encountering were about one inch long. Yesterday I saw peanuts that were 3-4 inches long, so it appears that they are growing.

Fishing With Coop | August 30th

This past Sunday I had the pleasure of going fishing with Cooper Marks and his dad Brian. Cooper is a huge supporter of MFCC and he is constantly watching videos and reading articles here on the site. 

Cooper is an incredibly enthusiastic and attentive angler. At 13 years of age, his enthusiasm for fishing is fantastic to see!

Click play below to get a preview of the action we encountered. ?

Some interesting observations I made during this past weekend's trip with Cooper include:

  • If we saw a large flock of birds sitting on the beach, then there was a better than normal chance that stripers would be found in the water directly in front of the sea gulls and terns.
  • The main body of stripers were further offshore, but occasionally smaller factions of bass would break off from the main school and trap peanut bunker against the shoreline.
  • Stripers were more inclined to chase peanut bunker right up to the shoreline in spots where there was deep water right off the beach, and in spots where the beach had a dramatic vertical slope.

High tide this past Sunday was around 10am, and we caught fish from 6:30am-10am, so pretty much the entire second half of the incoming tide was productive. We were using white Albie Snax soft plastics which are a great peanut bunker imitation.

*PS - MFCC members can click here to watch an additional 4 minutes of footage, and get more information about the striper videos shown in this post.

In Conclusion

Fishing peanut bunker blitzes is probably one of the most fun types of fishing available throughout the Cape & Islands. Peanut bunker will be one of the predominant baits from now until the end of the season.

As you saw in this post, stripers regularly hunt peanut bunker, but other species such as bluefish, fluke, albies and bonito will also be gorging on peanuts all throughout September. 

As always, best of luck if you are able to get out fishing this week. Please let me know what you think by commenting below!

*PS - MFCC members can click here to watch an additional 4 minutes of footage, and get more information about the striper videos shown in this post.

Tight lines! ?

What do you think?

Let me know by commenting below.

  • Great video, coop and dad fishing …. that’s what makes a life long memory. Thank you for giving us something worth watching these days

    • Hi there, I read your articles most of the time. I’m a senior and I love fishing. I belong to a fishing club we go down to Hyannis and board a fishing charter boat about twice in the summer for about 4hrs. We catches porgies,black sea bass, sometimes we catch tatas. Several years ago there were places where I would catch strpers off shore, I miss that thrill of catching a stripe bass. Sincerely, Ruby Hill

      • Thanks for reading Ruby! I really appreciate it, and I’m glad you are enjoying my articles. ?

        If I can ever help with anything striped bass fishing related, then just LMK. Feel free to email me at [email protected] or just message me here via the website.

        Good luck during your next trip! Please tell your fishing club friends I said hello. ?

  • Nice to hear that fishing is productive on the Cape. I am planning a mini-vacation mid-October and hope to do some fishing.


    • just wanna say i agree about the fish being a bonus. i don`t get to the cape much anymore but had great times there. back when the size 16 can be taken we caught 98 off chadam bridge at night and then we take a boat out from andersons and fish fluke. we sell them to the fish uncle had a place they rented all year round in sagamore.he knew nothing but fishing.his name was george degnis some old timers might have known him.was well knowm fishing the you said fish was a bonus. i can fish all day catch nothing and still be happy.just being there was my pleasure. thanks for listening to me.

      • Thank you George for your comment! Sounds like you have some terrific fishing memories. Those must of been some special times back then at the Chatham Bridge, canal, etc. Keep in touch and tight lines! ?

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