January 8 2021

Sight Fishing for Striped Bass on Cape Cod with the Hyperlastics Dart Spin Pro


Ryan Collins

Back in early June of the 2019 Cape Cod fishing season, I headed out to a beach in this general area of the Cape, during the middle of the afternoon to catch the high tide. 

Striped bass had been coming extremely close to shore before and after high tide, which created a pretty cool sight-fishing for stripers opportunity.

For a lure I was casting what's become an "old reliable" striper lure for me. The 5.5 inch white ghost Dart Spin lure from A Band of Anglers proved to be a very effective bait for sight casting to these shallow water striped bass. 


Throughout the afternoon I would walk along the beach stalking striped bass as if I was stalking bonefish in the tropics. The stripers were very aggressive and would readily bite the Dart Spin without much convincing.

This area of the Cape as well as many other spots throughout the region has many sandbars and flats which can produce fishing similar to what you'll see in the following video. ?

Responsive Video

Video Timestamps:

  • 00:00 - talking about sight fishing the flats of Cape Cod Bay, introduction to the Dart Spin and more information about the game plan.
  • 01:15 - First sighting of a school of striped bass and first bite of the day, unfortunately the hook popped free on this fish.
  • 02:12 - Nice topwater hit from a striper! And I get a little too excited...
  • 02:50 - Talking about the light coloration of these shallow water sandbar stripers.
  • 03:05 - Chasing down a school of stripers into slightly deeper water.
  • 04:10 - Casting in front of a school of stripers and letting them swim right towards the Dart Spin, plus a nice school of stripers chases it in right to the beach.

Tackle & Equipment:

More Sight Fishing and Flats Fishing on Cape Cod

Here on My Fishing Cape Cod we have quite a few posts and videos from my experiences surfcasting shallow water areas around the Cape. I have included some of my favorite posts below. ?

In addition, a quick search for "flats fishing" inside our private forum will reveal reports, posts and advice that's been shared over the years by our members.

As always please let me know what you think. If you have any questions please feel free to leave them below.

Tight lines! ?

What do you think?

Let me know by commenting below.

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