January 30 2014

A Sneak Peek At MFCC “T.V.”


Do you remember the 60 Minutes episode that featured drones? My Mom called me the night it was on, insisting that I immediately switch the television to channel 4.

I caught the episode just in time to watch a small drone fly over the ocean, and I was instantly intrigued.

With Christmas around the corner my disposable income was almost nonexistent. Nevertheless, one minute after the end of the episode, I was ordering a drone from Amazon.

One week later the flying piece of plastic arrived in the mail, and my girlfriend Lauren has not looked at me the same way since.

A "Planet Earth" Style Fishing Show

If you've been following the MFCC blog since the start, you may have noticed how much I appreciate just being outside, in the natural world. It doesn't take much to make me happy, as long as I am outside in a scenic place.

I think that is why I am drawn to the Planet Earth documentaries because its focus is on the environment around us. I respect that.

It then struck me that by using my drone, together with my GoPro camera, I could capture and share with you beautiful scenes of Cape Cod's beaches, bays, harbors and estuaries. I could even toss in a little fishing footage from the 2013 season.

Could there be a better way to spend the winter? I was pumped!

Tap The Brakes Buddy...

At this point I was starting to get odd looks from Lauren and anyone else I shared my idea with. They were all for it and very supportive, but probably thought I had some screws loose.

Usually the ladies in my life are correct, and I will be the first to admit that I may have lost my marbles. Believe me, there have been a few bumps in the road, like when I almost decapitated my Dad.

But overall I am really happy and excited about how the footage is coming together, and I can't wait to share it with you on February 26th.

It's Actually Not A Show At All

As I have been working on filming and editing video I have realized that this "show" is not a show at all. My goal is not to be a funny or entertaining host, but instead to bring you with me into the Cape's natural environment.

I want you to feel as if you are there with me, and if you happen to find me entertaining, well that's just a bonus!

I am calling the show My Fishing Cape Cod TV because people are naturally attracted to any phrase that has "TV" stuck to the end of it. Could this show eventually be on TV? I think so, and obviously that'd be great...but it's definitely not my goal.

Episode One:  3 Places To Surfcast On Cape Cod

In the first episode I am going to share with you 3 types of places where you can catch a big striped bass from shore on Cape Cod during the 2014 season. I will share with you helpful fishing tips, show you some exciting surfcasting action from 2013 and give you a bird's eye view of the environment.

The bird's eye view is by far my favorite part. Here's a short example of what you can expect on the 26th:

1 Month To Go Until Premiere

I chose February 26th as the date to debut the first episode with you, because I really want to make this special. The last thing I want to do is waste your time.

Luckily, based on how things are progressing, I believe you will thoroughly enjoy what I have in store for you. I am excited and I hope you are too.

What do you think? Let me know by commenting below.

Tight lines and take care,


  • Hi Ryan …love what your doing and
    looking forward to viewing MFCC TV….
    Be careful out there !!
    like mom always said …its all fun and games till someone looses an eye ;-}
    Catch em Up !!!

  • In addition to your great footage of the different ‘beautiful areas you frequent, having the drone is giving you a huge advantage in finding ‘holes’ and deep spots that will ‘hold’ fish so they can ambush bait..! I would ‘love’ to be able to check out a few of my ‘secret’ spots for that reason….WOW…keep the good stuff coming..!!! ps…nice chatting with ya’ last nite at the ‘Salties’ meeting…..I just signed on here today …!!!! See ya’ out there..!!!

    • Thanks Vinny! Great meeting you as well.

      Lots of footage in the pipeline. Can’t wait to create some epic episodes of MFCC TV this winter.

      Keep me posted with how things are going for you and tight lines!

  • Hi Ryan,
    I think the MFCC TV is a great idea and people in general (not just fisherpersons) will enjoy what you are doing.
    The perspective from the drone looks really great and the Cape is as beautiful as ever in your preview shots. Excellent!
    Looking forward to the first edition.
    Doug Weise
    Ayer MA

    • Absolutely Steve, I will put something special together for you guys.

      Do you need/want more people for Feb. 13th?

      I am sure some MFCC folks would be interested in attending if there is space.

  • This, Wow this is great. There was also a story in the Worc. Telegram recently about a drone with camera for cheap money – like $250. There must be a lot of ways to use it in striper fishing. The first thing I thought of was flying it past the barricades down the beach on recon. You could check out structure after storms, look for bait and any action beyond sight. They will probably outlaw them at ccns – for fear of disturbing the precious birds and seals. Keep up the good work and take it easy on your dad. Terry

    • Hey Terry, thanks for chiming in.

      $250 is definitely very inexpensive. I wonder what model it was?

      I agree that it’s a pretty cool tool for recon, and that there will probably be some drone-specific laws coming down the pipeline, if people don’t use common sense.

      I only feel comfortable using it in a wide open area, with no one around. Thankfully it’s pretty easy to find wide open space on Cape Cod during the winter…not sure how it’ll be during the summer.

  • I’m toying with the idea of gettng a drone too. Take it out on the boat and send it looking for gulls, sharks,whales and naked beaches. Can’t wait.

    • It’s a lot of fun Bill, but definitely requires a fair amount of practice. I am just now feeling confident enough to fly it over water. I actually came close to losing it in the ocean just last week!

  • Looks great Ryan! I love Planet Earth too. You’ve got some beautiful scenery to work with on the Cape. Good luck getting it finished.

  • Looks good so far ryan, I think I’m about as pumped as you are over the drone. I’m looking forward to the red carpet premiere. I’ll bet that your dad is glad that he still posses the catlike reflexes that are most important when hanging out with ones son. (Just a little chuckle) b.t.w. I didn’t realize that you used your go-pro on the drone, I just assumed it came with its own camera. Anyway I guess it’s time to get the ol tux out of cold storage for the black tie affair on the 26th,-art.

    • Yes, my dad still has cat like reflexes!

      The drone works great with the GoPro. Just needed to make a few adjustments to get the video right.

      I don’t think you’ll need a tux for the “premeire”…..a pair of waders might be more appropriate.

  • Ryan I will say you are very creative. I think this is a fantastic idea and I’m glad you chose February 26th to debut this since that is my birthday.
    I am looking forward viewing the show.

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