July 2 2018

Striped Bass Fishing The Town Of Dennis, MA


Ryan Collins

My first experience striped bass fishing the town of Dennis occurred when I was a young teenager, maybe 13 or 14 years old.

My dad had purchased a 12ft tin boat powered by a 6hp Johnson engine, and he decided it would be fun to pile his family into the boat for an epic voyage. 

So my dad, my 10 year old sister Katelyn, my mom Kathy and yours truly packed into the 12 footer for the hour plus ride from Sagamore Beach to the flats off Chapin Beach on the northside of Dennis. 


It was quite the journey. In order to reach the flats off Dennis my dad had to maneuver a loaded down 12ft tin boat around the east end of the canal, one of the busiest shipping areas on Cape Cod.

My sister Katelyn, my mom Kathy and myself, circa 1996.​

Then we had to travel at a snails pace more than 14 miles down the shorelines of Sandwich and Barnstable. We stuck close to shore the entire time, until we reached shoals of the West Bar. 

Barnstable Harbor

Upon reaching the West Bar we veered to the north just a bit in order to reach deeper water. The 12 footer certainly does not draw much water, but with a receding tide it’s better to be safe and than sorry. 

The current in the Barnstable Harbor channel can very strong, especially during the middle part of the outgoing, and it was probably quite comical for anyone watching our 12ft boat slowly trudge forward through the current, hugging the inside of the West Bar the entire time. 

  • Very nice article! I especially enjoy stories and videos when you are fishing with your dad! Lots of good memories! Reminds me of being on the boat and fishing with my dad!

    It was interesting to see how the tube and worm work.I guess the tube color attracts the fish?

    The town of Dennis has a lot to offer! I enjoyed seeing you showcase the towns fishing options!
    Thanks! Ryan!

    • Glad you enjoyed the article Leslie ?

      For the tube and worm, there are lots of different colors available, but it is hard to beat the red colored tube which I am using in the video within this post.

      Good luck out there and happy 4th of July!

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