The spring Cape Cod saltwater fishing season may be a whopping 6 months away, but it's never too early in my opinion to talk about the best Cape Cod fishing spots to try out come spring-time 2013.
Finding good Cape Cod fishing spots has increased exponentially in ease since the internet and Google Earth came to fruition. Yet finding and accessing spots that are tucked away from the crowds takes a bit more effort.
This rings especially true here on Cape Cod where beach and parking access is often limited.
Well next season I am planning on venturing to little-known Cape Cod fishing spots and areas that are a bit more "remote" than your average wire-line jigging trip off Chatham or Southwest Corner tuna expedition. I am hoping to focus on areas where I'll be the only fishermen for miles - just me, the fish and a few sea gulls (and maybe the GF from time to time - LOL).
I'm sure I will discover some pretty cool fishing nooks and crannies as I bounce around the Cape next season. It should be a lot of fun and I am looking forward to sharing what happens with you here on the blog.
As I look forward to the spring I can't help but reminisce about the spring of 2012. The surf fishing was phenomenal, with more bass in close to shore than the season prior.
Hopefully the biomass of bass will again decide to venture in tight to the Cape Cod shoreline come spring of 2013. If they do, here are 3 areas and techniques you may want to check out. Good luck!
3 Cape Cod Fishing Spots to Check Out in 2013
Buzzard's Bay Fishing | Top Water Plugging the Boulder Fields
Click here to read the latest Buzzard's Bay fishing report

Top water plugging is an absolute blast.
One of the most popular Cape Cod fishing spots to toss a top water plug is, without a doubt, the Cape Cod Canal. The Canal is also probably the most crowded Cape Cod fishing spot of them all.
If you desire a bit more breathing room and solitude, grab your plug bag and head to Buzzard's Bay.
Buzzard's Bay fishing has always been best for me during the spring. The month of May is a sure-fire time to fish Buzzard's. Whether from boat or from shore, Buzzard's Bay produces a lot of big striped bass during the first two months of the striper season.
If you have a boat you can try cruising through Buzzard's Bay in search of migrating bio-masses of stripers en route to the Cape Cod Canal. Surfcasters have plenty of options in Buzzard's Bay as well.
I prefer to fish the Buzzard's Bay boulder fields from shore during the month of May. There is usually plenty of life around the rocks, especially if you focus in on some of the more productive areas.
If you're a blog member, you may already know what Buzzard's Bay fishing spots I'm referring to. If you need a refresher on the areas I'm talking about, you can view all the Buzzard's Bay fishing spots where I found success in the spring by clicking here.
When fishing the boulder fields I have always found that the incoming tide is best-at least for me. I think the bass are a bit more courageous and willing to venture in shallow when they have the rising tide at their backs.
Small pencil poppers like the Cotton Cordell typically work well. I'd recommend casting out as far as you can as you wade around the boulders. At the same time keep an eye out for bass swimming right around your feet.
Sometimes the biggest fish can be found in less than 4 feet of water.
Vineyard Sound Fishing | Squid Central

Squid infiltrate many Cape Cod fishing hot spots throughout the months of May and June. Where you find squid, you may also find bruiser bluefish and extremely aggressive striped bass.
The southside of Cape Cod is a perennial producer of spring-time bass and bluefish blitzes. Along with the Cape Cod Canal and the boulder fields of Buzzard's Bay, the Cape's southside is certainly one of the better areas to toss a top water plug early in the season.
The southside is also one of the first Cape Cod fishing spots to see an influx of schoolies in mid to late April. This makes this area a popular destination for folks who can't wait to shake off the winter cobwebs.
Days when the wind is blowing hard from the south or southwest often end up being the most productive. The motion of the ocean pushes all the little organisms up close to the southside shoreline. The small baitfish come in to feed, followed by the squid. It usually doesn't take much time for the bluefish and bass to notice that there is a lot of life in tight to the shoreline.
If you're lucky, all hell will break loose. Growing up my father and I used to catch two bluefish at a time on the same plug. I have even heard stories of guys catching a blue and a bass on the same plug. Now that's aggressive!
Unlike most Buzzard's Bay fishing spots, the Cape's southside is for the most part quite sandy. My favorite technique for fishing this area is to simply find a lonely stretch of beach and begin walking and casting. Sooner or later I usually end up stumbling upon some life. The last half hour before sunset is typically the most productive.
For more information on fishing the southside during the spring, blog members can check out these posts.
Peaked Hill Bar | Spring-Time Cape Cod Tuna Fishing

If my memory serves me right, the 2012 tuna bite at Peaked Hill did not really get going until later on in the summer. Nevertheless once it got going, it got good!
Numerous folks here on the blog were able to cash in on some awesome tuna fishing. Paul Spear and his tuna fishing buddies wasted no time cashing in on these fish using a variety of spinning tackle methods. On some days at Peaked Hill this past summer, guys were hooking up multiple times - which is always impressive when your targeting tuna.
Most of the fish at Peaked were on the small side this past season, however there were a few giants mixed in to keep things interesting.
Tuna typically start filtering into numerous Cape Cod fishing spots in late May. By June there are generally reliable reports of bluefins at Peaked Hill as well as on Stellwagen Bank and off Chatham. Targeting the smaller tunas can be extremely exciting and is generally more feasible for most folks-compared to targeting giants.
In the past we have had good luck trolling soft plastics along the surface using beefy spinning gear. Hogy Lures always outproduced Slug-Go's, with the 14 inch pink Hogy proving particularly productive.
Herring, mackerel and of course sand eels are generally present early in the Cape Cod tuna fishing season. Match the hatch and you should do well.
As always tight lines and good luck!
I invented a deep drop sinker rig for bottom fishing in the gulf of Mex. It works wonders on grouper amberjack, snapper and any other bottom fish. I have a patent on the device and I’m trying to find a market in the east. But know nothing of the fishing methods and I’m asking for help if you can help in out I would send you a few to try out with no cost to you. This is not a scam. Try it out and let me know if I should try to sell it in the east. Thanks. Capt. Al Packard.
Hey Al – sounds like an interesting idea!
I just sent you an email – thanks!