June 5 2017

Success with Stripers @ the Truro “Fish House”


Ryan Collins

Last week from Wednesday May 31 until Saturday June 3 I had an amazing opportunity to stay at a cottage in the quiet town Truro.

While there I explored and fished the coastline from Eastham to Provincetown on foot and from the kayak.

If you are interested in fishing and visiting this area of the Cape, then please read on. The rest of this report will recap my trip to Truro, as well as update you on what's happening in that area as of today, June 5th.


The Truro "Fish House"

For most of us, accessing the best fishing spots on Lower Cape Cod requires a considerable drive. It is hugely beneficial if you have a comfortable place nearby to sleep in between fishing trips. 

Fortunately for me, My Fishing Cape Cod member Dave Frennesson came through in the clutch and let me stay at his awesome cottage located here in Truro.

Click play below to watch the walk-thru video below of the "Fish House."

The location of the Fish House is terrific because of its close proximity to some legendary fishing spots, including Race Point Beach, the Pamet River, Ballston Beach and Wellfleet Bay.

If you would like to stay at the Fish House then please click here and I will send you information for how to book a stay.

Lower Cape Cod Fishing Report

During my stay I planned to hit the fish hard, both from the kayak and on foot. I would fish as much as I could and explore some areas I'd never been to before.

Then I would head back to the Fish House for a few hours sleep, wake up and do it all over again. The bite Wednesday night started off slow, but then the action picked up on Thursday and Friday.

The past 48 hours in Provincetown and Truro has gotten really interesting.

The rest of this report (only accessible to members) will highlight everything I encountered and what is happening now in the Eastham to Provincetown area.

Please login or start a My Fishing Cape Cod membership for 1.00 dollar to access the rest of this Lower Cape Cod report.

  • Great video of the schoolies, what I would have given for an 8 wgt. fly rod and some some of my custom color Surf Candy !!!

  • Great underwater video of the schoolies. I find it very telling that in all videos I see of bass shoaling, they are always closely relating to the bottom.

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