May 24 2022

The “Swimming Striper” Giveaway! By Artist Jeanne O’Neil


This giveaway is now closed. Congratulations to our winner - 4 year My Fishing Cape Cod member Leslie Kalinowski!

This week on My Fishing Cape Cod we are giving away a beautiful work of art by local artist Jeanne O'Neil. Anyone from the My Fishing Cape Cod community is welcome to enter this giveaway by leaving a comment below!

The story behind this work of art began when Jeanne's husband (and MFCC member) Steve Kwietniak captured an underwater image of a striped bass during one of his fishing excursions. Jeanne had never painted a fish before, but she soon discovered how beautiful it was to paint the diffused underwater light and colors, which played against the scales and body of the striped bass.

Jeanne is an artist who relocated to Cape Cod after living in the Philadelphia area for 35 years. She grew up in West Bridgewater, Massachusetts and was one of the "lucky kids" who got to spend time on the Cape & Islands throughout her childhood.

Her parents and grandparents lived on the Cape, so summer vacations typically involved renting a beach house in South Yarmouth or West Dennis. She also has fond memories of her mother packing up her siblings and peanut butter sandwiches for day trips to Old Silver Beach in Falmouth.

Since returning to the Cape, Jeanne’s focus has been directed toward creating images that capture the breathtaking beauty, the tranquil moments and the alluring charm of the villages, gardens and beaches of Cape Cod & The Islands.

She considers it an extraordinary gift to wake up in this special place and she looks forward to sharing her work and being part of the local community. 

Jeanne was also selected for an opportunity to present her work at the 2022 HyArts Artist Shanties in Hyannis, MA on Cape Cod. The Artist Shanties are located in a great spot near awesome restaurants and if you've never been, then I recommend you check them out!

Jeanne will be at the HyArts Artist Shanties on these dates:

  • The week of July 4-10
  • The weekend of Oct 21 - 23

Once again to enter this giveaway simply leave a comment below. Anyone from the My Fishing Cape Cod community is welcome to enter! I will randomly select the winner one week from today on Tuesday May 31st and I will post the winner's name to the top of this article. 

You can also learn more about Jeanne's work by visiting her website

Congrats to our winner!

4 year My Fishing Cape Cod member Leslie Kalinowski has been randomly selected as the winner of the Swimming Striper giveaway. Thank you to everyone who entered and please stay tuned for the next fun giveaway coming soon!

  • Thank you everyone for the kind words. Quick reminder that if you were not the lucky winner – you can still scoop up a print of that “Swimming Striper” and other pieces of Jeanne’s art on her website.

    • I am the lucky winner of Jeanne’s painting. The painting is incredible, so beautiful! Thank You so much for this painting! It is mounted in a special place in our home in Brewster! I will post pictures on the MFCC website

      • So glad you won – and so glad you are enjoying Jeanne’s art! She has painted several amazing pieces from around the Cape and is currently working on a beautiful marsh scene from Brewster. I’ll drop you a note when we post it to so you can check it out.

        Thanks again for the very kind words, and if you get a chance to swing by Hyannis during the week of July 4th – stop in at her shanty at the Harbor Overlook and say hi. Would love to see you.

  • I would live to have a beautiful Striped Bass painting to hang, plus my wife said it would be fine, she liked it…..Thanks Ryan

  • Beautiful colors and tones. Reminds me of fishing off the Elizabeth Islands and the first keeper caught more than 25 years ago!

  • Beautiful painting, I wish I had that kind of talent. Unfortunately my abilities stop at stick figures. If I win it, I already know where it will hang in my home.

    Congrats to Jeanne. I’ll be sure to check out her work.

  • Been catching striped bass for over 40 years and have over 20 paintings from my mom hanging and would love to add that painting

  • Love this site – thank you for your enthusiasm and dedication of the ongoing great reports. Fish on!

  • Jeanne O’Neil Is a wonderful artist and this piece is a fine testament to her outstanding work.

    My fishing Cape Cod is a great source of local fishing information. I look forward to and enjoy each update.

  • Old Silver brings back many memories of being a kid on the Cape. Great painting and I look forward to seeing her in Hyannis in July.

  • Absolutely beautiful! Love how the painting captures the nuanced color shifts underwater!! Count me in!

  • This artwork from Jeanne O’Neil truly captures the image in my mind from crossing paths with Striped Bass while scuba/skin diving in Newport, RI. It’s a beautiful piece of art.

  • Oh wow! I did not realize that was a painting. The blend of aquatic colors around the striper is beautiful

  • Fantastic shot!
    Spent many summers on the Cape as a kid & still vacation there every summer. Fishing is a favorite hobby with our DAd in the Cape ponds. Currently residing in the D.C. area, the Cape is a true gem!

  • It is great to see what some artist can accomplish in the world of underwater scenery / It would look great with my collection. Carl

  • The painting is beautiful, I would love it! I work in Hyannis, so I will definitely check out Jeanne’s work! Thanks Jeanne and Ryan

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