September 7 2018

The Fall Run is Here! | MFCC Podcast Report


Kevin Collins

Hello and welcome to ​another episode of the 2018 My Fishing Cape Cod podcast! This episode was recorded earlier today (Friday ​September 7th) and we have a ton of exciting news to share with you. 

​It's hard to believe we're already through the first week of September, and at the start of the Fall run. Right now anglers have a variety of species available to them including stripers, bonito, albies, and tuna.

As always, we are joined in this podcast by MFCC founder Ryan Collins and Jeff Miller of Canal Bait & Tackle. ​Additionally, we have Sam Brown of the Goose Hummock Shops in Orleans and Dennis providing a detailed offshore fishing report. 


Ryan Collins

MFCC Founder

We kick off this episode with a call to MFCC founder Ryan Collins, who has been fishing from the boat for bass and bluefin tuna ​the past few days. 

Ryan ​provides us with a report from both Buzzard's Bay and Cape Cod Bay, detailing ​excellent fishing for brown sharks, tuna, and striped bass. 

​Sam Brown

The Goose Hummock

​Next, we check in with ​Sam Brown of the Goose Hummock Shops in Orleans and Dennis, who you might recognize from season #1 of My Fishing Cape Cod TV on NBC SportsBOSTON.

​Sam gives us​ a full offshore fishing report that includes giant and school-sized bluefin tuna. ​Haddock and cod are also ​cooperating​, making it a great time of year to head offshore. 

Jeff Miller

Canal Bait & Tackle

​We wrap up this week by checking in with our good friend Jeff Miller of Canal Bait & Tackle. We talk with Jeff each and every week on the podcast for the latest intel about what's happening at the Cape Cod Canal.

During our call with Jeff you will learn what happened today at the canal, ​along with what tides are fishing best as we enter a very productive time of year for​ fishing the Cape Cod Canal. 

To listen to today's podcast, please make sure you are logged-in as a MFCC member, and then click play below.

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