December 7 2014

The “Tuna Slide” In Action


  • Where can I buy one of these or if none are around how can I boat tuna I don’t have a t-top to winch one in. Could I put a winch in the boat and just reel it over the gunnel or is that to dangerous. I was thinking of putting a full Live well on the side of my boat and using a winch to get the fish in but I’m worried that the livewell will slide to the side with the fish and flip my boat. Any suggestions to what I could do or to where I could find a tuna slide?

    • Hey Zach! The ramp is something my friend built on his own and I don’t think you’ll find one for sale anywhere. Honestly, pulling in a giant tuna over the gunnel is dangerous, and I don’t feel comfortable offering advice on the subject. I wish I could be more help but I am just being honest. Please keep me posted if I can help with anything else and tight lines! 🎣

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