The Cape Cod saltwater fishing season is on the horizon, and according to the calendar, the start of spring is less than one week away!
This year we'll team up once again with captain Cullen Lundholm of Cape Star Charters, to provide you with an opportunity to experience some of the best fishing Cape Cod has to offer, at an affordable per person rate.
My Fishing Cape Cod group trips are a great way to meet new friends, learn new fishing techniques, and get on the water to areas all around Cape Cod. You'll have a great chance of catching fish, plus you'll learn firsthand from one of the Cape's most successful charter captains.
For members of My Fishing Cape Cod, trips will cost between $200/person and $376/person, depending on the type of trip. In total we are going to offer 20 trips throughout the 2019 season, happening on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
Most trips will be for stripers, but we are also offering trips for tautog, haddock, sea bass and bluefin tuna. All equipment is provided, and you'll be fishing onboard Cullen's beautiful 27' Conch center console boat.
Online registration for these trips will open on Saturday April 13th at 8:00am EST. Spots usually sell out quick, so if you are interested in fishing with us this year, please make sure to mark the April 13th registration date on your calendar.
If you would like to receive an email notification before online registration opens, then please click the button below. Enter your email address and name I will send you a reminder so you don't miss out!
Below is a list of dates for our 2019 group fishing trips with Cullen of Cape Star. I will personally be onboard for the trips marked with an asterisk.
Friday May 3rd - tautog (5 hours)
Saturday May 11 - haddock (8 hours)*
Sunday May 19 - haddock (8 hours)
Friday May 24 - sea bass (5 hours)
Friday May 31 - sea bass (5 hours)
Friday June 7 - stripers (8 hours)*
Friday June 14 - stripers (8 hours)
Sunday June 23 - stripers (8 hours)
Friday June 28 - stripers (8 hours)
Sunday July 7 - stripers (8 hours)
Friday July 12 - stripers (8 hours)
Sunday July 21 - stripers (8 hours)
Friday July 26 - stripers (8 hours)
Friday August 2 - stripers (8 hours)
Saturday August 10 - stripers (8 hours)
Saturday August 17 - popping/jigging tuna (8+ hours)*
Friday August 23 - popping/jigging tuna (8+ hours)
Saturday August 30 - popping/jigging tuna (8+ hours)
Saturday September 7 - popping/jigging tuna (8+ hours)
Friday September 13 - popping/jigging tuna (8+ hours)*
Online registration for these trips will open here on on Saturday April 13th at 8:00am EST. Spots usually sell out quick, so if you are interested in fishing with us this year, please make sure to mark the April 13th registration date on your calendar.
What People Are Saying
Over the years we have ran more than 60 group fishing trips with captain Cullen of Cape Star. Many members of My Fishing Cape Cod have experienced unforgettable moments while fishing onboard these trips.
Here's a few of my favorite comments from people who've fished with us:
We had a fantastic tuna charter.
Myself and 3 members went on a fantastic tuna charter with Captain Cullen. We had one of the better days of fishing Ive ever had!
Patrick Cunningham
Member since 2020
It's the perfect setting to learn, fish and have a good time.
Ryan, my thanks to you and Cullen for a great trip. Cullen is a true professional and hard worker, making everything come together for a perfect adventure.I am definitely looking forward to my next group trip. It's the perfect setting to learn, fish and have a good time. Thanks for offering these opportunities.
Mario Signore
Member since 2016
The fishing was awesome.
What a great trip I had with Captain Cullen yesterday. Fishing was awesome and we were able to put a tuna in the boat with another brought boat side. We also had fish on with other missed opportunities. It was my first time hooking up with a tuna, and it was also nice meeting other members-all good guys.
Marc Dunn
Member since 2020
We caught a 700 pound giant
Ryan, I wanted to thank you for your recommendation of Capestar Charters. We had a great day yesterday and caught a 700 pound giant tuna. Thank you again for the experience as it made our year!
Mark Phillips
Member since 2017
Our arms were tired with the non-stop stripers!
I fished with Captain Cullen last year for stripers at the Monomoy Rips. Best striper fishing day I ever had.
Wayne Positan
MFCC member since 2021
My 5 trips this year were great.
Have to say how great my 5 charter trips were this year, split between Cullen and Tyler. It was my first time and we limited out and brought home two species on every outing. It was also so much fun getting to fish my own untested homemade lures.
Buck Buchanan
Member since 2016
I can't say enough good things about Cullen of Cape Star Charters.
I've taken three trips with him this year and took limits of Tautog on an early season trip, and over 30 keeper size Stripers on my next two trips. The thing to know about Cullen, is he wants to make you happy- even if it means recommending a different date or location. Trust him, he puts you on fish, period.
Dave Baxley
Member since March 2018
I was amazed at how much fish we had caught that day!
Just wanted to say I had a great time 🎣 with Captain Cullen. We caught a lot of stripers that day and the weather was perfect! I’d have to say that was the best fishing charter I’ve even been on. The captain and the rest of the other patrons on board were great and friendly people and hopefully get to fish with them again. I’ve learned a lot from fishing that day and hopefully become a better fishermen.
Brian Fitzgibbon
I’d recommend these trips to anyone!
Ryan and Captain Cullen had us on fish within minutes. The group and I caught our bag limit early on, but the trip did not end there. Captain Cullen brought us around Buzzards Bay as we casted for Stripers and Blues. I can’t wait for the next time I am able to hop aboard a MFCC group trip - I’d recommend these trips to anyone!
Ben Mahanna
Member since January 2018
If you want to get on the fish then I would highly recommend signing up for one of Ryan's fishing trips.
I signed up for a sea bass trip with Ryan and Cullen, and we had an epic day. We launched early from Taylor Point Marina and headed out into the very foggy waters of Buzzards Bay. However it wasn't long before Cullen and Ryan had us into a continuous swath of spawning sea bass. We kept around 25 keeper sea bass, and I would say we released at least another 50. Some stripers were also caught. Overall a very successful trip. If you want to get on the fish then I would highly recommend signing up for one of Ryan's fishing trips. I will definitely be signing up for a tuna trip this fall.
Jacques Morin
Member since 2016
Everyone got along extremely well and that always matters on a charter.
Ryan - a special note of thanks to you and Cullen for a terrific fishing trip. Everyone got along extremely well and that always matters on a charter. We had to travel to find these big fish and it was great to see everyone catching such beautiful striped bass. I look forward to seeing the photos and/or video you took during the trip. Thanks again for my third successful MFCC fishing trip.
Mike Marcus
Member since March 2017
Great morning!
Great time this morning. I got about 10 fish and other guys did as well. Couldn’t have had better weather.
Jeffrey Cotto
Just the experience of being out there early in the morning with the minke and humpback whales around us, the many types of seagoing birds birds hovering and diving everywhere and a great bunch of guys was phenomenal. Catching two bluefin tuna was the icing on the cake, and that was delicious indeed. Captain Cullen put us in the right spot, using the right jigs to get those beauties. What a day.
Paul Dunn
I've been going on My Fishing Cape Cod group trips for three years now.
We have caught fish casting plugs, live-lining mackerel, jigging and fishing live eels at night. Captain Cullen is very flexible with his approach and will do everything he can to put you on the fish. I believe Cullen gives me my best chance at catching fish and would recommend him to anyone.
Darren Jacobs
Member since 2014
MFCC group trips present an opportunity to experience the best fishing the Cape has to offer.
When I heard about the My Fishing Cape Cod group trips, I knew I wanted to sign up. MFCC group trips present an opportunity to experience the best fishing the Cape has to offer. Keep in mind that I already have a boat, and fish almost every weekend.
Paul Restuccia
Member since 2013
The 'tog trip was a lot of fun! We had a great group of guys, pretty decent weather, and Captain Cullen always works super hard to get you on the fish. This was my first trip of the season, so it was a good way to start the year. It's fishing time!
Paul Aldrich
Member since 2015
In addition, we have been able to capture quite a bit of video, photos and stories from our group trips.
Cullen will work incredibly hard to find fish for you. One trip two years ago we went through the Canal three times to check out CCB and Buzzards Bay. He is the nicest guy and his new boat is the perfect fishing platform!
where do you sign up for the fishing trips ?
Hey Gary,
You can sign up for the fishing trips by going here
We still have some spots open for the May 11th haddock, May 31st black sea bass, and the July 26 and August 2 striper trips.
LMK if you have any other questions. ?
I am interested in kayak fishing. Do you have such a trip?
Hi Alan ?
No we do not have any kayak trips on the schedule as of right now, but it could be something we add in the future.
Cullen will work incredibly hard to find fish for you. One trip two years ago we went through the Canal three times to check out CCB and Buzzards Bay. He is the nicest guy and his new boat is the perfect fishing platform!