August 17 2021

The Most BREATHTAKING Underwater Striper Fishing and Drone Footage of 2021!


This summer I've been fortunate to fish with dozens of members from My Fishing Cape Cod, whether it be from shore or from boat.

During one particularly memorable trip I was fishing with MFCC member Jeff Campbell aboard his 27' Southport center console.


We left the dock at 5am on July 27 and enjoyed a perfect sunrise.

Also aboard for this trip was Jeff's friend Ralph, and MFCC member Bob Schnepp. We had beautifully calm conditions to start the day.

The action was a little slow to start, but at around 8:15am a big school of striped bass suddenly appeared in a rip that we were fishing. 

The bass were in less than 10 feet of crystal clear water, which made for a breathtaking underwater and drone filming opportunity!

Please click play below to watch! 👇

More info

If you're a member of My Fishing Cape Cod, then you can click here to watch 5 more minutes of drone and underwater footage from this trip.

You can also learn the general area off Cape Cod where this video was filmed, as well as what the tide was doing, here.

More Interesting Striped Bass Behavior

In the above video, you may of noticed a striper turning on its' side and rubbing against the bottom.

I've seen this behavior quite a few times this season while filming. 

Based off feedback, a lot people from around MFCC believe this bass is probably rubbing off sea lice or some other parasite.

What do you think this fish is doing? Please LMK by commenting below! 👇👇👇

Thank you to all the members who have invited me out fishing this year.

You guys have all helped me tremendously in capturing footage that I would not of been able to capture all on my own!

Tight lines ?

What do you think?

Let me know by commenting below.

  • I don’t know whether he can feel the lice on his back or not, but I know that when my dog lies on his back and rubs from side to side, he comes away smiling. It just feels good!

    • I would have to credit the advances in technology to making these shots possible. It was only a few years ago that these underwater cameras and drones did not even exist! I’m glad you enjoyed the video Bill and thanks for commenting. Tight lines!

  • Ya my guess is a rub, but their scales and skin are pretty tough, not sure how it would feel lice to want to rub, 66 million $ ?

  • Wow! What gorgeous video of the Stripers! I liked at 6:04 seeing the Striper roll over.
    LOVE the dog fish/fluke challenge! I have certainly seen SOOO many dog fish brought in to Chatham Fish pier, supposedly to be sent off to England for fish and chips! I know there was a campaign a while back from the local fisherman to promote dog fish to stay on American soil. I’d be willing to try it!
    Yes Jake! Congrats to the Brewster Whitecaps! My husband and I made it to one game anyway! So fun to watch!
    Thank Ryan…awesome work.

    • I’m also very intrigued by how stripers “roll over”. I see it pretty often when watching bass with the drone. I wonder what they’re doing?

      Lauren and I ate a Smooth Dogfish fillet this past week and it was wonderful pan fried. Very, very delicious. The fillet actually resembled a striped bass fillet.

      However, the fillet of a Spiny Dogfish is not nearly as appealing. I’ve only filleted one Spiny Dogfish so far, but my initial impression is that Smooth Dogfish is much better.

      Thanks Leslie for the comment!

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