March 4 2018

Winter Storm Riley | Update From A Cliff


Ryan Collins

Over the past 48 hours the Cape region has been blasted by winds in excess of 60 mph. The ocean has been very angry.

The landscape of many Cape beaches has certainly been changed by this storm, and I can't help but wonder if these waves and tides will carve out some new striper hot spots for the 2018 season. 

Yesterday evening just before sunset I visited a tall cliff overlook to get a view of the waves rolling in from Cape Cod Bay. Click play below to check out the huge waves and big tides from this update atop the cliff.


How exactly this storm will affect the structure along the Cape's many beaches, bays and coastlines is still anyone's guess. 

I will keep you posted with any interesting that I stumble upon. In the meantime stay warm and tight lines!

  • Ryan, have you heard if there has been any changes out around Morris
    Island/ north Monomy? How about around Nausett? Great cliff video, BTW. Powerful storm.

    • I know the ocean completely washed over North Beach in Chatham, however I have not personally been down there to see the changes yet.

      It certainly was a very powerful storm, and I would have to imagine the Morris Island/North Monomoy area has been altered to some degree.

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