January 1 2019

The 2019 MFCC Costa Rica Fishing Adventure


Ryan Collins

Lauren and I are heading back down to Costa Rica on January 7th!  This year we have two groups from My Fishing Cape Cod traveling down to fish with us.

Expect to see some Costa Rica posts here on MFCC throughout Jan/Feb, but I’ll also be sure to keep the Cape Cod content flowing. ✌? 

For example, I have recently teamed up with MFCC member Billy Mitchell of Seven Stripes Fishing. Billy has been conducting interviews with local charter captains, guides and others involved in the Cape Cod fishing industry. 


Over the coming weeks we will feature some of these interviews here on My Fishing Cape Cod. I think these interviews will be a nice addition as they will provide us with a brand new element here on the site.

I hope you all had a wonderful New Year! Please check back this week for new content and our first interview.

Tight lines ?

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