Kevin Collins
Weekly Podcast Host
Welcome to the third episode of the 2019 weekly My Fishing Cape Cod podcast.
Today you will hear from our usual cast of characters reporting on how the fishing is around Cape Cod and the Islands.
You can get all the latest updates by listening to this podcast, or scroll below to learn more about what to expect.
Ryan Collins
MFCC Founder
We kick off this episode with a call to MFCC founder Ryan Collins. Ryan gives us a full update on the bottom fishing for scup, sea bass and tautog - in addition to recapping what his team found during the Cheeky Fly Fishing Tournament.
Jeff Miller
Canal Bait & Tackle
Next up is our good friend Jeff Miller of Canal Bait & Tackle. Jeff reports a 25 pounder caught in the canal, with plenty more schoolies, as well as fish into the low 30 inch class. Mackerel are the primary baitfish, and there are plenty of them outside the East End.
Evan Eastman
Eastman's Sport & Tackle
We then check in with Evan Eastman of Eastman's Sport & Tackle in Falmouth, MA. Evan reports good fishing opportunities within the salt ponds as bass feed on worm hatches. There are bigger stripers out further in Vineyard Sound, and casting plugs along the Elizabeth's is not a bad idea right now either. Sea bass fishing is lights out.
Sam Brown
The Goose Hummock
Capping off today's episode is Sam Brown of the Goose Hummock Shops in Orleans and Dennis. This week Sam has been fly fishing the flats and also helping to outfit fly fishermen. He reports small fish along the back beaches and at Provincetown, and no action yet at Monomoy. Flounder and larger 35+ inch bass are biting in the bay, and the freshwater fishing is still good for certain Goose customers.
To listen to this week's podcast, please click play below
My wife and I chartered with Cullen of Cape Star yesterday May 29. We first caught 40 mackerel for live bait and fished Buzzards Bay. She caught and released 6 nice keepers and kept one 37”. I was throwing a Docs plug that brought up four of the biggest bass I’ve ever caught, the biggest at 42”. Just a half day, but it felt like a full day. Highly recommend him. If there are fish to be had, he will find them. A real pro.
Who would you recommend for a charter for Stripers?
Hi Lawler – thanks for reaching out! I would recommend Captain Cullen Lundholm of Cape Star Charters. You can find him here: https://www.capestarcharters.com