October 28 2020

Exciting New Underwater Video Clip of Bluefish Chasing Live Bait


ryan collins my fishing cape cod breakfast

Cape Cod's saltwater environment is a wild world. Each day on Cape, countless underwater dramas unfold as predators such as stripers, tuna and tautog hunt their prey.

The vast majority of the action is never witnessed by human eyes. However, in today's video I'm going to give you a glimpse of the fascinating world beneath the Cape's waves.

I filmed the following video on October 8th in Buzzard's Bay. In this video clip you'll see an estimated 2 pound bluefish in hot pursuit of a live killifish. I found the agility of both predator and prey to be fascinating. 

Please click play below to see what I mean!?


Members of My Fishing Cape Cod can watch an additional 5 minutes of killifish and mummichog fishing footage by clicking here.

Have you every wondered how many times a fish has investigated your bait or lure without biting? It might happen a lot more than we think.

This past summer I filmed many scenes in which stripers, tuna, fluke and other species investigated lures and baits without biting.

Of course having a camera on the end of my fishing line probably doesn't help! I am sure the camera setup spooks a lot of fish, but nevertheless I am surprised at times at how indecisive fish can be.

What do you think about this video clip? Do you have any questions? Please LMK by commenting below. I'm happy to help!

Tight lines ?

Members of My Fishing Cape Cod can watch an additional 5 minutes of killifish and mummichog fishing footage by clicking here.

  • “ Have you every wondered how many times a fish has investigated your bait or lure without biting? It might happen a lot more than we think. “
    I ask myself the same question aIl too often haha. After not getting a hit for a while the thought always crosses my mind shortly after “there’s no fish in this ocean!”
    Of course then I go through the steps: Changing speed of retrieve
    Change cadence and presentation of lure
    Changing lures.

    As always great footage! Looking forward to the new season of MFCC TV!

    • Thanks for the great comment Leo. I can definitely relate! Experimenting with our retrieves, presentations, baits and lures is about all we can do. The rest is up to the fish. Thanks again for watching the video and I hope you have a great weekend! ?

  • Great video! Interesting to see what happens when the live bait is being ambushed. Up above we can only imagine what’s going on!

    • Well said Leslie. You are correct that we can only imagine what is going on below. So many times this summer I thought there were not many fish around, and then when I got home and reviewed my video footage, I would often see dozens of fish. Good luck if you get out fishing this weekend! ?

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