In these exciting images and video you'll get a never-before-seen glimpse into the lightning fast bite of a false albacore. Filmed off Cape Cod on September 21st, 2023.
The lure featured here is the Bunker Dart 110s from Monomoy Tackle. I was able to capture the bite by trolling with a camera on the line at around 6 miles per hour.

Notice how the albie attacked the lure by swimming vertically up from the bottom.

If you look closely at the next image, then you'll see how the albie attacked the middle portion of the lure.

Look close and you'll see how the albie's mouth remained wide open after the bite.

This tells me that the albie realized the lure was not a real baitfish, because the albie did not "chomp down" on the lure.

Also notice how the albie was hooked by the front hook. I had previously thought that albies attacked from behind, so this proved to be quite enlightening to me.
The Video
In the following video you can watch the entire 57 second sequence as it unfolds!
In the second half of the video, I slow down the bite by more than 90% to give you a clearer look.
Please login or start a My Fishing Cape Cod membership to watch!

What do you think about this? Did you learn anything new or have any questions?
Please LMK by commenting below!
One Last Thing...
PS - you're invited to our 36 Hour Grind Tournament event this coming weekend! Even if you aren't a member, please consider swinging on by!
On Friday September 29th we’ll have a tournament kick-off party with free pizza and raffle prizes from 5pm-7pm on Sandy Neck Beach. This will be a nice opportunity to meetup and get together.
The 36 Hour Grind Tournament will officially start at the end of the kick-off party at 7pm sharp. It will go until 7am on Sunday October 1st.
The awards ceremony will be at Sandy Neck Beach from 8am-10am on Sunday. Swing by for free coffee from Plymouth Coffee Company and more raffles!
This will also be a great opportunity to meet other anglers from around MFCC.
Seems like grabbing the lure from the belly is a bonito tactic too. I’m less surprised the bonito attack the middle because, like blues, they are shredding stuff and the size of the bait may dictate the attack point. This bone was caught last week in Nantucket Sound, not by me unfortunately, but I’m living vicariously through these images. Tight lines.
I hope you’re able to get back on the water soon Eddy. You must be itching to get out there!
Super Job Ryan, Your continued efforts are what we all enjoy here on the site plus the good connections we make on MFCC are truly worth much more. We have experts here in all areas.
I notice more people are hooking up with each other by reaching out by emails or asking directly to join folks on their nightly trips. All the guided trips get sold out quick. A great place to meet your next partner. I see solid advice giving out to new members or regulars that need help catching different species.
We all get skunked and we all catch sooner or later. Some guys are even inviting folks on boat trips which is awesome. “ Ill chip in or pay for gas. This club is a great place to be.
I also ask that we all respect each others emails because some folks read emails differently than others and what you thought was not meant. So ignore it instead of reply or add to it. Thanks to all the posters and those giving solid advice and giving important info. to catch fish. No one wants to give up their honey hole .
I see people replying back being very thankful for bits of advice also and expressing that. Have not heard the phrase spot burn in a while- that’s a good thing. Some areas where folks just keep pouring info into.: Super info with the surf Casters ( way to go boys – you guys are incredible- tuffest of them all- besides us Tuna boys) , the canal ( way to go canal rats – you now who you are- when do you guys sleep besides in your truck) and to the tuna guys ( tuff year- info. Is always available and coming in strong now ) with out giving their hard found fishing spots up.
I like the older age forum for us guys talking about health needs, cardio, lifting weight accordingly, walking etc.Nice job Ken Webber/ stay strong as you are hardcore… Don’t want to forget the Angler Forum. I enjoy listening to the people who walked the path prior and hold the old Salt ways. I thank Carl ( True Professional) for shedding the light and remembering the past fisherman and letting us all learn from what he has experienced. That’s so valuable to us all. Thank you Carl.
We have all ages here and we can all learn from each other. Just signed up for the whole year. Stoked to be a member. To my Partner Dave Tourigney – can’t say enough about you. My Role model. I got your back always. Tight lines and Be safe to all. GO GETTER DONE
Well said Danny!
I’ve said it many times before, but it’s great to have you aboard as a member. Can’t say how much I appreciate it.
Good luck with the tuna this fall and say hello to Dave for me!
Awesome video! So interesting! Attacked from below and hooked by the front hook! Great footage!
I was really pumped up by this footage Leslie. I think I got another albie bite on video as well, but I’m yet to review that footage. I’ll keep ya posted!
I thought it was interesting to see how it made a first pass to look at it. Not sure if it was the same fish that actually hit it.
I didn’t know they hit the lures from the front. I thought they were like bluefish biting from behind.
One other thing I already knew was that the Monomoy Tackle Dart 110S in bunker is a great lure. Thanks @CousinEddy !
Super footage Ryan!
I think it was a different albie that hit the lure, but impossible to 100% know for sure. I tried trolling epoxy jigs and the only lure that generated bites was the Dart.
Wow – the speed is amazing, almost can’t slow the video down enough!
I know, they are lightning fast Jeff!
So incredible to see the actual bite! Nice job capturing it and getting the fish in the boat too!
Believe it or not, the albie actually popped free before I could land it! LOL
I had a great time last week fishing with you, Jean and Carol. Pumped you all were able to experience a great albie bite!
Dont get any better than that ! Sweet bite
It may have just gotten better Mark, because I got a bluefin eating a tinker mackerel on video a couple days ago. Hope to share that clip soon!