January 9 2016

My First Trip Of The New Year | January 9th Report


Ryan Collins

I spent the past 48 hours exploring all over Cape Cod in search of the elusive winter holdover striped bass.

I had a great experience and it felt wonderful to be outside breathing the icy cold winter air.

I have not been fishing since Costa Rica, and this was my first trip of the New Year. The plan was to catch my first fish of 2016, however nothing is guaranteed when fishing for stripers in the winter.

​I would guess that 99% of the Cape's striper population has migrated to warmer waters. Despite the difficult odds I felt confident and was excited to give it a shot!


First Trip of 2016

This fishing trip actually began Wednesday night at the Canal. Fishing the Canal at this time of the year might seem crazy, but I was curious what I might find.

By 8PM the sky above was pitch black and full of stars. Suddenly there was a splash, and then another.

A school of what I think were smelt were swimming by my feet, just a few yards off the riprap.​ I didn't catch a thing but it was a cool sight to see.

Thursday morning I swung by the Canal again, just in case...​

Sagamore Bridge sunrise cape cod canal

I walked down the service road and watched as a tug passed thru.

Best tug boat canal sunrise

The air temp at sunrise was a refreshing 27 degrees.

Canal Sunrise Power Plant copy

With not much going on fishing wise at the Canal, I decided it was time to make the drive to an off-Cape destination I felt might support a population of holdover stripers.

I was greeted by quite the winter scene. There was snow among the eel grass and slabs of ice along the marsh channel. 

Eel Grass Snow Marsh copy
Eel Grass Snow Marsh copy
Eel Grass Snow Marsh copy

As I stepped onto the marsh bed I heard a shuffle beneath my feet. Then a much louder thrashing sound and finally a splash.

Upon closer investigation I found a tunnel which led from the creek bed up inside the marsh bank.

marsh bank snow ice walking

My guess is that a family of muskrats were living in the ground beneath my feet, and that they had just made an escape and were swimming away submerged beneath the icy water's surface.​

I had a good feeling because I know stripers sometimes winter over here. 

Let The Search Begin

I made several casts and spent a good 20 minutes fishing the area without any bites and without seeing any muskrats. I decided it was time to move on.

A lot of the surfcasting I do requires a lot of walking, and searching for holdover striped bass is no different.

Expect to log some miles and keep your eyes peeled for drainage ditches...​

I explored more territory and fished a while longer, but soon felt the urge to make a big move. 

I decided to go back on Cape and visit some areas I have not fished in 2 years.

By the mid afternoon I had arrived at the spot. The sun had warmed the air and with no wind at all the scene almost felt spring-like.

Cattail Sunset Blue Sky

I walked through the woods and emerged into what could easily be described as waving fields of grain. Only in this case they were cattails and eel grass.

Golden Cattails copy

I felt pretty alive in such a unique environment. It was like stepping into an entirely different world.

I could now see the spot where I intended to fish. The tide was right and the place felt alive. 

Easing towards the water's edge I made my first cast. After 2 years of not fishing this area at all it felt good to be here again.

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  • Did you catch any holdover stripers since you got back from CR?

    Do you do any ice fishing or just go for salt water fish?

    • Not yet Gene but I have been trying. Fished for several hours this morning without a bite.

      I am mostly a saltwater guy, but I will on occasion freshwater fish for largemouths, smallmouths and trout.

  • Cape Cod always takes on a different atmosphere in the winter, its refreshing. I hope you get a few holdover stripers, I’ll be focusing on trout and pike up in CT

  • The beauty of a sunrise and the lasting wonders of sunset are always etched in our minds as we go forward hoping the next day will give us the comforts and love will all want. The happiness of being able to share these kind of days with someone you love and who loves you just makes each day worth rising for. You have found a true diamond in the ocean of life. May you have many sunrise and sunsets together. God Bless you both.

  • Congratulations Ryan and Lauren !! A lot of what it takes to be successful in marriage also applies to fishing: patience, persistence, perseverance, paying attention, staying calm when the storm is swirling around you, listening, and accepting.

    All the Best to you both as you chart the course of your future together!

    Tight Lines,


  • Congratulations Ryan. I wish you both all the best. You couldn’t have made a better catch!
    I hope your lives together are blessed with many positive experiences.

  • I still love skiing in the A.M.and fishing in the P.M. as well as my 55 years of marriage. I wish you at least that many years and as much fun as we’ve had plus many more. Still catching some rainbows after skiing Wachusett!

  • Nice report Ryan, FYI I found those lures, the curly tail lures on eBay for $7 with free shipping, on the rapala site I think there $3.19 plus $8.99 shipping unless of course u spend over $50 and get free shipping. So just wanted to share that with you. Congrats to you two on the engagement!!!

  • Nice report Ryan.
    It looked like a gorgeous day to be out exploring. I married the catch of my life 26 years ago and it looks like you have found a keeper. Congrats.

  • Hello Ryan: I see by reading the reply’s to your first 2016 fishing trip for winter hold over stripers that you got engaged and wanted to wish you and her the best and congratulate you both! You both got yourselves a keeper as we fishermen say and it is nice to see such a wonderful couple making such a commitment. Take care and tight lines for 2016 80)

  • congratulations ! I hope you two stay happy together. Great story, sounds like one of my winter excursions here my the hudson. Lots of walking by the “icebergs”moving up and down the river. Sometimes theres a bald eagle involved, like the one that swooped down and took my floating fish lure, 25 year old lure too. Can’t wait for 2016 adventures.

    • I’ve had terns and gulls attack lures, and even a frigate in Costa Rica, but a bald eagle would be new to me. That must of been a sight!

      As you mention Rick I think 2016 will be a very “adventurous” season. I’m looking forward to exploring lots of new areas.

      Thanks for the congrats and good luck down there by the Hudson!

  • So many people miss what in some ways is the best time at the Cape winter and early spring. At first it seems desolate but soon you realize how beautiful it is. Good luck on trip 3 and 4 and 5…..

  • Good story Ryan . Reminded me of the old days when I liked the cold fresh air, but as of late the old bones and joints can’t take it. Enjoy it while you can. Oh and by the way congradulations to you and Lauren. She’s a KEEPER.

    • It’s great to be young, Ryan. At near 80 I no longer have the stamina or inclination to hike through the cold winter marshes for miles to be skunked. I could be possibly be tempted to do some ice fishing on a pond, but we do not have any frozen ponds (with sufficient ice thickness) this year to do that. Guess I’ll just have to wait until Spring and the new seasons start.

      • Gene I would be very happy someday if I found myself fishing at age 80. I’d say you are an inspiration!

        Still some time left to get some good ice but it sure has been a mild winter so far. However spring will be here before we know it….

    • I will definitely enjoy it while I can Patrick. I know what you mean when you say the old bones and joints can’t take the cold anymore. I certainly won’t take these trips for granted!

  • Ryan,
    Congratulations Lauren and Ryan! Great news and as always a great report. Can’t wait to see more on Costa Rica..

  • I enjoyed the report even though you got “skunked”. But the best part was the news of your pending wedding. Congratulations to both of you,

  • Dear Ryan,

    Sorry no “fish on” stories yet, but sometimes just being out, enjoying nature is reward enough! Thanks for sharing it.

    Congratulations, again, on your engagement! Wonderful choice of Best Man! Nice…


  • Look at the bright side, the weather definitely cooperated. Those pics looked nice.Being out there exploring options.Nothing ventured nothing gained .Good luck.

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