June 19 2018

Help Erika Get Back to Fishing


Lauren Collins

Today I want to share with you a Go Fund Me page for a woman named Erika Johns who loves to fish.

In fact, Erika is a 25 year old Pro Staff member for JoeBaggs Tackle, an avid angler and hunter, registered nurse and fly fisher. However right now Erika has encountered some challenges with her health, which is why I'm writing to you today.

For the past 15 days Erika has been in the hospital suffering from intense pain. Doctors are trying to solve the issue and have determined she is suffering from spontaneous intracranial pressure, among other ailments.


Erika has been down this road before. Her first tumor appeared at age 15, and since then she's gone through 8 brain surgeries. Yet despite all that she has continued to fish, and caught some awfully nice stripers, trout and other species!

This Go Fund Me campaign was started to help Erika pay her deductible. Right now her deductible for being in the hospital is $250/day, and currently she's been in the hospital for more than 15 days. Those deductibles are adding up quick!

Plus of course there are other expenses that need to be paid for, including deductibles for diagnostics, surgeries, medications, plus time out of work, transportation costs to and from appointments etc.

If you are able to help financially then a donation of $25 (or more) would be incredible. You can make a donation via her Go Fund Me page which you can access by clicking the button below.

If you are not able to help financially, then please send Erika some love and prayers, and share this post with your fishing friends who might be able to chip in a few bucks to help her offset mounting deductibles and other expenses.

With the support of the fishing community we hope to see Erika back out there catching stripers and other species as soon as possible! We're pulling for you and we wish you a quick and speedy recovery.

Tight lines ?

About the author 

Lauren Collins

Through the eyes of a fishermans' wife, I'm excited to share my cooking and photography with you here on MFCC. You can learn more about cooking, and get more recipes by visiting my website Creatively Delish.

  • I just read in The Fisherman an interview with Ericka (Aug 9 2018,Vol 53,Issue 23) by Capt Jim Hutchinson, Jr. As an orthopedic surgeon and avid saltwater flyfisher I wish you all the best Ericka. As a fishing community we are all thinking of you. I will participate in your gofund me page and hope others do as well. I will see you at the Somerset Flyfishing show in 2019 and say hello personally.

  • We can all relate to this story. Having a healthy body allows us to pursue this outdoor lifestyle that we love. I cannot imagine my sense of loss if I didn’t have the physical ability to fish the Canal or walk the beach, even for a short period of time.
    Wishing Erika a speedy recovery. I made my donation this morning.

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