July 21 2015

July 21 Cape Star Charters Tuna Fishing Report


This trip began in the dark at 4am with my good friend Tyler.

I was chomping at the bit because I had lost a fish of 700-800 pounds a few days prior to this trip. On top of that I had marked quite a few giants on the sonar.

So we started heading east when I received a call from a friend of mine, who informed me that there were fish crashing on the surface, north of my location. 


"Thousands of Giants"

While en route to the north Tyler and I encountered extraordinary life. There were surface feeds and bait spraying all around us.

I decided to stop where we were and immediately begin fishing.

​Despite our best efforts we weren't able to hook a fish. My buddy then called me again to let me know that those fish to the north were still on the surface feeding. At this point they had been up for nearly 3 hours!

Upon arrival we saw thousands of giants busting on the surface. Hands down more giants than I have seen in a long, long time.​ Yet each time we approached a feed the fish would sound, and we were not able to get a bait into the craziness.

So we decided to setup, put baits in the water and see what happens. Some time passed, and then a large pod of humpback whales passed nearby my boat. ​

Fish On!

That's when one of our lines went off. The fish instantly began pulling yards upon yards of line from the reel. We knew this was a big fish.​

capestar charters tuna fishing report

My initial thought after witnessing the first run was that this fish would weigh somewhere around 700 pounds. We fought the fish was nearly an hour when we finally got our first glimpse of the giant tuna.

​The tuna looked to be around 500 pounds, slightly smaller than I had anticipated. Tuna this time of the year often pull harder than they do during the fall.

​Fortunately for us the end game went pretty smooth and we were able to safely land the beautiful fish.

swimming giant tuna off cape cod
cullen lundholm giant tuna fishing
giant tuna fishing cape star charters

According to the people I talk to there are more tuna around so far this season than in the past few decades. We are very fortunate to have this many quality tuna around, and I am looking to take full advantage over the next several days.

I am running tuna charters all this week and will keep you posted with how we do. In the meantime MFCC members can learn more about this trip by downloading the audio report by clicking the orange button below.​

Member Downloads

A 5+ minute audio report from Cullen
discussing the details of this trip

What do you think? Let me know by commenting below.

About the author 

Cullen Lundholm

Cullen is a full time guide and charter captain at Cape Star Charters. He grew up commercial fishing on Cape Cod with his dad. Cullen has experience catching everything from scup, to 800 pound giant bluefin tuna.

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