April 17 2019

Goose Hummock Kids’ Fishing Festival | Saturday April 20th


Ryan Collins

This Saturday April 20th from 8am-2pm, the Goose Hummock will be hosting the kid's fishing festival at Cliff Pond in Brewster, MA.

I also plan on attending and will be at Cliff Pond all day. This fishing festival will be a wonderful opportunity to learn how to fish!

The crew from the Goose Hummock Shops will be supplying 24 rods and reels, rigged up and ready for anyone in attendance to use! In addition there will by fly fishing instruction and kayaks available.


The crew from the Goose Hummock Shops will be supplying 24 rods and reels, rigged up and ready for anyone in attendance to use!

In addition there will by fly fishing instruction and kayaks available.

The emphasis will be on teaching people of all ages and abilities how to tie knots, bait hooks and catch fish from the ponds on Cape Cod. There is no cost to attend.

Watch the video below to get an idea of what to expect. This footage was captured last weekend during Day #1 of the Kids' Fishing Festival.

In addition there will by fly fishing instruction and kayaks available.

The emphasis will be on teaching people of all ages and abilities how to tie knots, bait hooks and catch fish from the ponds on Cape Cod. There is no cost to attend.

The location is Fishermans Landing at Cliff Pond, Nickerson State Park in Brewster, MA.

All are welcome, and as mentioned above, there is no cost to attend.

The emphasis is on teaching kids how to fish, but please don't be bashful if you are an adult who would like to get into fishing.

MFCC and Team Goose are happy to introduce people of all ages to this wonderful sport.

Tight lines! ?

  • Sounds like a fun day! Great opportunity for the kids! Wish I was going to be on the Cape! I would be there!

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