May 26

From Striped Bass to Scup | Memorial Day Weekend Podcast Fishing Report


From halibut to striped bass, scup to black sea bass, there are many fishing options for this Memorial Day Weekend on Cape Cod. In today's show we check-in with MFCC founder Ryan Collins who's fresh off the Cheeky Fly Fishing Tournament. Ryan's also been shellfishing, black sea bass fishing, and fishing for flounder. 

Next up Sam Mullen from the Goose Hummock Shop discusses Nantucket Sound and Outer Cape fishing, as well as the action inside Cape Cod Bay. 

My Fishing Cape Cod member Eddy Kooyomjian shares the story behind his epic halibut catch, and Bruno Demir of Cape & Islands Mitsubishi fills us in on Monomoy - plus his recent successful trip for black sea bass and giant scup. 

About the author 

Kevin Collins

Kevin spent a decade with the New England Patriots and New England Revolution producing podcasts and other digital content. Currently he is the host and producer of the podcasts here on My Fishing Cape Cod. Kevin grew up on the beach in Plymouth, MA and has salt water running through his veins.

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