April 5 2018

MFCC Block Island Surfcasting Trip


Dex Chadsey
MFCC member

Hello My Fishing Cape Codders. Today I wanted to let you know about a unique opportunity to fish Block Island this October.

There are currently 2 unfilled openings for our upcoming trip to Block Island this October. We have a very cool house with an amazing location already booked from Thursday, October 4 to Monday, October 8. 

This trip is sandwiched around Columbus Day weekend. We have the house for 4 nights. Cost of the trip is $430 for each person for lodging. As of this writing My Fishing Cape Cod members Ned Bean, Tom Simpson, Jane Simpson and myself will be going.


I am extremely excited about this fantastic opportunity due to where we are staying and how we have been getting more familiar with the island each time we go. I myself will be fishing Block Island three times prior to our trip in October. 

About the author 

Dex Chadsey

Dex has been fishing since 1963, and has been a member of My Fishing Cape Cod since 2013. He and his dog Gracie can be found exploring and fishing anywhere from Block Island, to the Canal, to Chatham. You can learn more about Dex by clicking here.

  • Hi MFCC Crew. You’re nutz if you don’t jump on this opportunity to fish BI with us. 100% of the beaches are public access, fish are everywhere…but you gotta use your “striper sense” to find ’em. Dex is a consummate host, Jane and Tom are great peps and skilled anglers. (Jane is the master eelie angler…’specially with “el morto” eels.) Me? …I’m just another old fart bass freak that loves the walk at any time of day or night. I’m a scientist, so my approach to catching is based on observation, patterns and results. So, join us…OK?

  • Looks like an amazing trip! I’m sure you will fill those spots! I have thought about taking my boat to block island. Seems like it might not be to bad a trip from Cleveland Ledge in Buzzards Bay? I would do it on a good weather day and plan on leaving really early.

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