September 14 2017

Peanut Bunker Bass Blitzes Have Begun!


Ryan Collins

During September throughout Cape Cod & the Islands, small baitfish known locally as "peanut bunker" begin to move along the shoreline.

These fish travel in large dense schools containing thousands upon thousands of fish.

Needless to say the schools of peanut bunker often attract the attention of striped bass, bluefish, false albacore and sometimes even bluefin tuna. 


In the below video I happened upon a pretty good blitz of striped bass on peanuts. I was in my kayak so I was able to float through the school of stripers as they attacked the hapless baitfish. 

In the yellow box beneath the video My Fishing Cape Cod members can download more information about the general location where this video was filmed:

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    • From what I’m hearing the albie fishing has been challenging the past few days. However they will stick around through October.

      The inlets and jetties that face Nantucket Sound are good spots to try, as is Nobska Lighthouse and the jetty at Woods Hole.

  • There have been peanuts all over Scituate for a few weeks now. Lots of low tide/dusk blitzes by schoolie stripers and pollock. A small bluefish spotted in that mix but not hooked. Mackerel have been in tight to shore as well. I didn’t know that they eat peanuts too! I caught two mackerel yesterday on a teaser. From shore. Nothing like fresh chunked mackerel bait. Caught 7 bass in short time, including one at 29″.

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