July 20 2018

Striped Bass, Tuna, and Great Whites! | July 20th Podcast


Kevin Collins

Hello and welcome to another edition of the​ 2018 My Fishing Cape Cod podcast! This episode was recorded earlier today (Friday July 20th) and we have a ton of exciting news to share with you.

In this podcast you will get the latest fishing reports from all over Cape Cod, including some of the offshore action that's been heating up recently. 

As always we are joined in this podcast by MFCC founder Ryan Collins. Additionally, Sam Brown of the Goose Hummock Shops in Orleans and Dennis makes his return to the podcast!

Unfortunately, our good friend Jeff Miller from Canal Bait & Tackle won't be able to join us this week, however we look forward to hearing from him again soon!


Ryan Collins

MFCC Founder

We kick off this ​episode with a call to MFCC founder Ryan Collins, who was fresh ​off a commercial striped bass trip with his father Jake Collins. 

Ryan reports on his recent boat and surf trips for striped bass, as well as an unbelievable encounter with a Great White shark while battling a 40-pound striper in less than 20 feet of water!

​Sam Brown

The Goose Hummock

Up next on today's podcast episode, we welcome back Sam Brown of the Goose Hummock Shops in Orleans and Dennis. You might recognize Sam from season #1 of My Fishing Cape Cod TV on NBC SportsBOSTON.

​Sam shares his latest fishing information​ for areas all over Cape Cod, and details some great spots for saltwater fly fishing. Additionally, he touches on the offshore fishing that has picked up in the recent weeks. 

To listen to today's podcast, please make sure you are logged-in as a MFCC member, and then click play below.

  • Ryan just listened to podcast about Your experience with Your Dad and Great White , nature at its best and a memory for You and Your Dad to have for Years to come!! Also Thanks for having Me as a member and sharing all the great information, Ronan

  • Ryan, what a fish story! It was exciting to hear how the action unfolded and you just never know what you will encounter when you head out in the ocean. Thanks for sharing!

    • That’s right Ron, you just never know what you might encounter here on the Cape!

      On July 12th I actually saw two minke whales about one mile south of where you keep your boat. They were only in 20-40ft of water and I think they might of been feeding on pogies.

  • The Great White event was real. I have been telling Ryan that we would eventually have a viewing of a Great White. If you spend a lot of time on the water it will happen to you. Amazing event.

    • That must have been incredibly scary and cool at the same time Jake! For a few years the thinking was that smaller (6 – 10) foot White Sharks were hanging out in Cape Cod Bay while the larger sharks (over 10 feet) were only off Nauset Beach and around Monomoy. This would make sense as smaller White Sharks mostly eat fish while the larger ones prey on seals. Last season, or 2 seasons ago, some Charter boats out of Rock Harbor were having small White Sharks taking Striped Bass off their lines. In 2015, Jameson, a seven foot White shark, took up residence in and around Wellfleet Bay.

      It is now known that this does not always hold true. Katherine, a 15 foot shark, was pinged off the Wellfleet pier one October afternoon in 2015. Jameson is the same shark that was saved in 2014 at the Chatham Southway after beaching itself while trying to pluck a seagull off of a sand bar. There have been several sightings of large White Sharks in CCB, many by MFCC members.

      It is interesting that Wellfleet Harbor has become a White Shark hotspot second only to Chatham. According to the Cape Cod Times, in 2015 the acoustic receivers outside the Harbor registered 6,564 individual shark detections. While many of these are undoubtably of the same sharks and a lot are probably attributed to Jameson, it is still remarkable when compared to Provincetown’s 902 detections. In 2016, there were at least 4 White Sharks that hung around Wellfleet Harbor between July and October. Greg Skomal has started tagging in Cape Cod Bay. On July 22, 2016, he and his crew saw or recorded 19 individual White Sharks in the Bay off Wellfleet.

      One afternoon in 2012 Betsy and I were kayaking in Wellfleet Harbor and were suddenly surrounded by seals. While still a bit nervous, my saving thought was that there were no White Sharks in CCB. Ooops!

      • Yesterday we saw a white shark take a hooked bass from a fisherman off the Race. We were drifting parallel to him when the shark surfaced and thrashed right next to his boat, taking his striper. We decided to net our fish from then on. We guessed the shark to be around 10′ and reported the incident to the Atlantic White Shark Conservancy.

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