Kevin Collins
Welcome to the first episode of the 2016 My Fishing Cape Cod Podcast.
My name is Kevin Collins (Ryan's cousin) and you may remember me from podcasts we published during the 2014 and 2015 seasons.
This season I will be working to bring you this podcast each and every Friday, from today through October 14th.
Ryan will still contribute, but I will be your host.
Episode #1: Almost “Go Time”

Jeff Miller of Canal Bait & Tackle will once again be covering the Canal and Upper Cape Cod.
Jeff has contributed quite a bit to MFCC since the site launched in 2011, and we are excited to have him back onboard in 2016.

I'm also very excited to announce that captain Eric Stewart, from the Goose Hummock Shop in Orleans has also hopped onboard.
Eric will be covering the Lower Cape, Nantucket Sound and the waters east of Chatham.

This week Cullen Lundholm of Cape Star Charters is down in Florida putting the finishing touches on his new 27 foot Conch center console.
You can still expect to hear from Cullen (as well as other special guests) throughout this season.
It's nearly "go time" so to speak, with schoolie bass being caught in Rhode Island, and the My Fishing Cape Cod Season Kick-Off Breakfast happening this Sunday.
So without further ado lets hop right into this podcast!
This first podcast can be listened to by everyone, but starting May 6th our weekly podcast will be for "members only."
Please click play below to listen-in.