April 23 2013

Cape Cod Fishing Report | April 23


I can hear the wind tearing across Cape Cod Bay as I write this Cape Cod fishing report. It feels like a winter night here, and it sounds like one too. 46 degree waves are smashing the shoreline and the rain is pelting down - today would not be a good day for the boat.

Despite the February-like conditions I decided to go surf casting tonight. I actually enjoy fishing during inclement weather, because the rain and wind keeps most folks at home. For example, the only evidence of humans I found today while fishing were a few stray footprints in the sand.

The beach is a lonely place when the weather is bad. The ocean is too, however I am sure someone is out there right now. I often imagine what it is like being on a boat during a gale or Nor' Easter. Tonight may not be that intense for mariners, but I am sure there is someone, somewhere right now, battling the waves.

I on the other hand, just got into pajamas, and will soon be safe and sound in bed.

The Lonely Beach

cape cod stripers fishing report

Today I arrived at my first fishing spot and was smacked in the face by a 30 mph breeze. Rain drops stung my skin like a barrage of cold bee-bees shooting down from the clouds. I felt refreshingly alive.

The best area was conveniently located a half mile walk straight into the wind. As if on cue the rain went from moderate to heavy for the entirety of the walk. The group of terns working off in the distance helped to keep me going.

I have begun to think that a pair of snowshoes may be more effective than boots, at least for the areas I have been fishing so far this season. The mud and muck seems to grab hold of my boots and not want to let go. Today was no different in that respect, as I once again found myself drawn to the upper reaches of the Bay I was fishing.

Birds do not quit working in the rain and wind. Terns in particular amaze me with their toughness. These small white birds are competent hunters, and often lead the way to tracts of water filled with fish. If you see birds dive bombing the water, then that area may warrant further investigation. There could be striped bass feeding below.

Click here for the full report...

fishing report for cape cod

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