May 24 2012

Barnstable’s Schoolie Striper Hot Spot | May 24 Report


Barnstable fishing
Fishing around boulders is a good way to increase your odds of at least catching a bass or two.

After a day of not fishing I was starting to go through withdrawals so I made a concerted effort to get out for an hour tonight.  I didn't have much time to plan the trip, but I still liked my odds of at least catching a fish or two.

I really enjoy exploring new areas so that is exactly what I did.  Once again I grabbed my Dad and headed out for a relaxing night of surf casting.

So far most of the action I have found from shore has been around boulder fields.  I dug way back in the memory bank and recalled an area I had heard a lot about, but had never actually fished.  We decided to head to Barnstable to cast pencil poppers around car-size rocks.

As soon as we arrived the conditions went from warm and sunny to cool and foggy.  We could actually watch as the fog bank rolled in from the East.  Tonight was another strange one weather wise.

barnstable fishing
A future 75 pounder.

To my surprise the current was ripping through this stretch of shore line.  We had made it there for the very last part of the outgoing tide.  Immediately we could see bait fish in tight to the shoreline and birds working a bit farther offshore-all good signs!

It's not often that the first cast produces action but tonight was the exception.  My very first cast enticed a nice SMACK! from a juvenile bass.  He didn't get the hook but it felt good to know there were at least a few fish in the immediate area.

A couple casts later I had another miniature explosion on the pencil popper.  After a quick battle I had the fish in to shore.  This bass probably tipped the scales at a whopping 2 pounds.  Hard to believe that in 15 or so years this fish could reach the size of the near 75 pound bass caught the other day down in Connecticut.

I continued wading down the shore line casting as I went.  Every now and then a swirl or footprint would show behind the pencil popper.  Once in a while a small bass would give it a half-hearted swipe.

Not every trip produces unreal fishing and huge bass, but that is A-OK by me.  It's all about just getting out there, having fun and staying active in my book.

I managed to hook and land another micro-schoolie as we made our way back to the car.  All in all a great night with a couple beautiful fish to boot.

striped bass fishing
It's hard to go wrong when fishing around boulders.

I would like to return to this spot during the incoming tide.  There were so many big boulders and nooks and crannies that I think would fish very well when covered by the high tide.

Another added bonus was being completely alone for miles on end.  Just me, my Dad and a few terns.  Not a soul in sight which was proved very refreshing.

I'm hoping to get some fishing in during this weekend's bachelor party on Nantucket.  I'll be sure to report back if I'm able to find an internet connection.  I've always wanted to fish Nantucket from shore and now I finally have an excuse to go over there and give it a shot.  Should be fun!

In the mean time best of luck fishing this Memorial Day weekend.  Stay safe out there on the water and try to keep your patience at the boat ramp!

For more information on good areas to surf cast in the town of Barnstable, click here.

Tight lines,


cape cod fishing report

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