October 13 2014

Peanut Bunker Bass Blitz | MFCC Member Fishing Trip Part #1


I was standing on top of a giant boulder, a good four feet off the ground, arms wailing in the air in a desperate attempt to gain the attention of several MFCC members who were several hundred yards away.

We had been walking for miles, as a group, through some of the most difficult striped bass fishing terrain in Massachusetts, with very little to show for it.

MFCC faithful Jim Murphy and I, had finally found the fish, after hours of nothing. I was not sure how long the action would last, so I wanted to get the rest of the group in on the action ASAP.

Peanut Bunker, Birds, Bass & Lots Of Current

The current was sweeping down the shoreline. Schools of baby pogies, or peanut bunker as they are commonly called, were pinned against the shoreline by marauding striped bass.

baby pogies peanut bunker cape cod
All hell broke loose when a school of peanut bunker became trapped in tight to the beach.

The northerly wind did not help their situation. Breaking waves further forced the hapless baitfish into shallow water and it was not long until the birds began to take notice.

The poor 4-5 inch long baitfish were being attacked from underneath, all sides and now from above.

birds working over bass blitz
Further down the beach the blitz started taking shape, and began moving in our direction.

I hooked and released several small fish as I watched the blitz down the shoreline take shape, and increase in intensity.

schoolie striped bass cape cod ryan collins

By now the entire MFCC crew was in position and casting. Several of the crew began hooking up with schoolies, including 3 year MFCC member Todd Jarvis.

my fishing cape cod member todd jarvis
3yr MFCC member Todd Jarvis with an "almost" keeper striped bass.

Jim Murphy was next up, catching several schoolies as the blitz, which was still beyond us and over to our right, really got going.

my fishing cape cod member jim murphy
Jim Murphy releasing a fresh schoolie striper.

The already dark and overcast sky was getting darker as the sun sank lower on the horizon.

I noticed that the current was picking up speed, and I felt the bass blitz, which was still out of range, would only increase in intensity.

Finally, The Blitz Comes Within Reach

We were all picking off bass at this point, or at least getting hits. Ned Bean, Jane Simpson, Tom Simpson, Ryan Turcotte, Todd Jarvis, Jim Murphy and myself would either hook, or get bit once every several casts.

MFCC member Ryan Turcotte with his first striped bass of the trip.
MFCC member Ryan Turcotte with his first striped bass of the trip.

The fish were small, but it was good action, and finally the true blitz down the shore showed signs of coming closer. The issue at hand was a small shallow inlet, that featured a swift and powerful current, which was too strong to wade across.

The blitz was happening on the opposite side of the inlet, but now it was moving into the rip water caused by the strong current, and ultimately into the inlet itself.

I put down my fishing rod in exchange for a video camera and captured the scene.

Witnessing this blitz was an exciting start to the evening.

Truth be told, getting the MFCC crew to this specific spot, at this specific moment, was a long time in the making.

Click below for the Extended Fishing Report, in which I'll highlight all of the Day 1 action, and share with you exactly how this all came to fruition.

extended fishing report button

smarter is better

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