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Ryan Collins
Joining us first this week is MFCC Founder & Creator, Ryan Collins. Ryan provides updates on False Albacore and Blue Fin Tuna and previews the MFCC 36-Hour Grind Fishing Tournament this weekend!

Amy Wrightson
Next, Amy Wrightson of Sports Port in Hyannis joins the podcast! Amy gives detailed reports on Albies, Bonito, Striped Bass, and Bluefish. She covers the south side of Cape Cod as well as Vineyard Sound with her reports.

Sam Mullin
Next, Sam Mullen of the Goose Hummock Shop in Orleans, MA joins the show! Sam gives very promising reports on Striped Bass inside Cape Cod Bay as well as the backside facing beaches down towards Nauset Beach, he also details the red hot Albie bite and recreational Blue Fin bite, and also gives us information on Fluke out at Monomoy.

Bruno Demir
Last up on today's podcast is MFCC Member Bruno Demir from Cape & Islands Mitsubishi and Cape Codder Boats! Bruno gives a live Tautog report from the deck of Jimmy "The Greek" Koutalakas' boat. Jimmy runs "On Time Charters" and has been all over the Tautog bite this week and helps give us the latest information in Vineyard Sound and Buzzards Bay.
Written Transcript
*Please forgive us for typos and grammatical mistakes, as this transcript was generated by artificial intelligence.
Well, up next on today's edition of the My Fishing Cape Cod podcast, we want to welcome in our great friend Amy Reson of Sports Port and Hyannis. Amy, how are you doing this week?
I am great, Kevin. How are you?
Doing well, thanks so much for joining us here on the podcast as always. And what I want to start off with this week, Amy is talking about the funny fish because that's something I'm really missing at home. I've been away for three weeks now and all I'm hearing about is ALBs. Let's start off with false albacore. How's the bite been for you?
I went out over the weekend, the sort of stormy, rainy, windy day and managed to get one. I was actually too lazy to change my lure over to a swimmer and I just trolled an epoxy jig and I hooked up with one and that was super fun always. And it was just getting bounced around so much in the boat that I just went inside and ended up going for the blues and the inside the harbors and that was fun too. But I've spoken with lots of other people who were out that same Saturday in days since then and they've all been doing really well. The Albee's have been super finicky, but it seems like that locked jaw has eased up a bit in the last several days. So that's been a lot of fun for people going in their boats and also people fishing from the shore, so that's been super fun for a lot of different people.
And talking about Funny fish as well. I had a chance to text with you a little bit last week and you got into some bonito as well. Why don't you tell folks about that experience and that trip?
Yeah, so my husband and I actually were fishing over by the vineyard and we're really excited because we said we wanted to get bonito and that's what we did and we didn't see lots of signs of life. We didn't see lots of birds diving or fish busting on the surface. So again, we were trolling and we had at 1.3 lines out, I think one we had a Rapala or Uri lip bait that was just a couple feet under the surface. And then again, I guess maybe I'm lazier than I like to admit, but we had an epoxy jig trolling and then we had an albee snack trolling and we caught several fish on the Albee snack trolling and that was all bonito. We didn't see any ALBs and that was really great because we got to have it for dinner that night and then we put some in the freezer, so that was also super fun. I'm sure you're aware the Derby's going on on the vineyard, so we saw tons of people fishing over there and the Derby's like the real deal, everyone is fishing always and we saw lots of really big blue fish being pulled in from shore, so that was also fun to be a little part of that excitement. I
Going to ask you too before you go on, how did you prepare the Bon? How did you eat it? We
Had some just like sushi and then the rest we just put in the freezer so we haven't cooked the rest of it, but we ate some just like sashimi and it was very cool. Really yummy. Yeah, yeah, it was great. But closer to home they've been getting bonito from the beach on the south side and from the boats close in shore, so you certainly don't have to go all the way to the vineyard. So that's been fun. They've been mixed in with the ALBs and blue fish as well, so the bonito don't always come in close to us on the south side of the Cape, so it's really exciting when they do.
That's got to be a little bit of a rarity that these funny fish are in tight enough where a lot of the shore fishermen have access and it's not just the boat guys. That's great.
It is great. Yeah, and we've talked to a lot of people who they've been putting in a lot of time and I think if you did the ratio of cast to catch it might not be that great, but this past week it sounds like they've really been able to get some tight lines and have a lot of fun with that.
Now closer to home, what are you hearing about stripers and blues? Has it been kind of quiet? Has most of the focus been on the funny fish or are you still hearing some positive reports?
Definitely a lot of positive reports. South side bass and blues, I've been hearing more in the inner bays and harbors, they're still loaded with bait, lots of peanut bunker which are actually a little bit bigger than they were a few weeks ago, maybe bigger than the palm of my hand inside that day that I decided to get into some calmer waters and just go inside of the bays. It was getting tons of two three pound blue fish and some schoolies as well and they were just feeding on all that bait that I was just talking about. I've talked to some other people who have been able to find some bigger fish, both blue fish and striped bass as well. And on the north side as well, people have been fishing standing neck and inside Barnstable Harbor and they're finding schoolies as well as slot size fish and bigger. So there's definitely a lot going on.
Do you think from your kind of experience, Amy, that these fish might stick around a little while? I know we're kind of in that fall migratory pattern, but in your neck of the woods, do they still tend to hang around for a little bit longer or are we starting to see the tail end of that migration do you think?
I think we've still got a little more time more. In my experience, we've done well into October, so as long as the bait is here, the fish should stay with it. We've been, where are we? We're getting towards the end of September here, mid end of September. So yeah, we've got a little time so I think it's definitely not the end
Now when we talk a little bit about the shop too, one of the things I wanted to give you a chance to chat about is just the different baits that you have, whether it's live frozen, freshly dead, one of the things that the guys are turning their attention to this time of year is to tog as well. So I just wanted to ask just about sports port where you are with your stock and supply and also if you have the green crabs in for the to tog.
Yes, so we do carry the live green crabs and those are definitely starting to sell pretty well, actually haven't heard a ton recently on the tau bite, but I think the fact that we are selling them is a good indicator. And we also have salted clams which stay on the hook a little bit better than just regular clams to toggle like those as well. I think most people prefer the green crabs, but then we have the live yields and the sea worms and all the frozen stuff, mackerel, bunker squid, and then for the freshwater, which the state I believe has started their fall stocking program. So we've got shiners, crawlers, trout, worms, so I think a lot of people will start to do a little of both while the saltwater's still going on.
Well that's beautiful Amy. I'm sure plenty of folks are going to be heading down to sports sport to stock up on bait. I just wanted to thank you for taking time out of your week to join us here on the podcast as always and I can't wait till we chat again. Hopefully I'm back at home.
Yes, safe travels and thanks so much.