July 8 2015

“Speed Trolling” Sebiles


Trolling is often regarded as not an exciting way to catch fish. However, "speed trolling" for stripers is certainly an exception!

In this video filmed last week, 3yr MFCC member David Benoit and I are "speed trolling" Sebile Magic Swimmers on the surface.

I got lucky and just happened to have the camera rolling when a "pack" of aggressive stripers came by and whacked the plugs.


Click play below to watch.

This summer I am having a great time meeting and fishing with members of MFCC. I usually invite MFCC "veterans" on these trips, because I really appreciate their support and all they do to help grow the website.

However, I would like to take a brand new member fishing with me on my boat sometime during the month of August. So what I am going to do at the end of July is put the names of all the new members who join between today and July 31st into a hat and randomly select a new member to go fishing with me on my boat sometime during the month of August.

Obviously I can't guarantee we will catch fish! We very well may get skunked if the fish simply don't show up on the day we head out.

Either way I feel we will still have a fun time out there on the water.

If you have been thinking about joining MFCC then now may be a good time to do it! And if not then that is OK too. I appreciate your support!.

2015 has been a terrific season so far and I look forward to sharing many more memories and adventures with you throughout the summer and into the fall.

As always tight lines and take care!


What do you think? Let me know by commenting below.

  • Hi Ryan, Just a few questions… I tried this technique last season a lot and had great success most of the time but I was curious about your take on speed, plug modifications, and color. I was trolling a little faster than you were going in the video. (Tried to average around 6-8 kts) This speed worked really well and elicited some sick bites trolling the magic swimmers on top and the x-raps 30′ below. But, I was wondering if slowing it down just a little bit might get a few more bites this coming season? (Perhaps 4-5 kts) I also noticed that some fish hit the magic swimmers so hard that the end tail cracked straight in half. I’m curious about hook placement and perhaps adding swivels to a fore and aft hook. I really liked using the “ghostescent” color pattern couldn’t help but notice that you tend to use the “golden shiner” pattern a lot more. I also figured out that we were getting a lot more bites when we picked up the rod, let out a couple yards of line, then set the rod back in a holder. Honing the technique could be really helpful next season could be beneficial when moving in between finding schools and covering ground quickly and efficiently.
    Tight Lines and I hope to see you on the water this coming season.

    • Oh man those bites must of been insane at 8 knots! I am not sure about slowing down and whether it would get you more bites, but that would definitely be worth experimenting with.

      Unfortunately the Magic Swimmers are really not that durable of a plug. They break pretty easily. I do think adding swivels might help, and perhaps removing the tail hook.

      Honestly I don’t get too wrapped up with colors. I usually go with white, but as you have noticed, the Golden Shiner also works well. Only reason I picked up the Golden Shiner color was because it was on sale at the shop, lol.

      Hope that helps at least a little bit. Sounds like you are already having some great success with speed trolling! Please swing over and say hello this year if you see my boat the “Miss Loretta” trolling around. ??

  • Ryan,do you remove the rear hooks and replace them with anything like a feather.i know so guys that remove the rear hook.i didn’t know if it swims any differently .thank you

  • Great advice on the split rings and Mustad VMC treble hooks Ryan, thank you. Just bough my first Sebile swimmers the other day.

  • Also when trolling sebiles – do you use the fast sinking or slow sinking variety?

    Thanks for all your knowledge,

  • Did you modify the sebiles in any way? Also, being from the west coast, I don’t know what colors the Cape Cod stripers like?

    • All the colors seem to work pretty well Chris so I wouldn’t worry too much about that.

      Definitely replace the split rings with Spro split rings of at least 100lbs, and definitely replace the treble hooks with Mustad VMC’s or any high quality treble.

      Slow sinking is the best!

      • Hey Ryan: Any reason why you were trolling sables at the surface vs bunker spoons? Was there bird activity or other signs of surface action?

        • Hey John, during this particular bite the fish were zoned in on crushing bait on the surface. They would often school up and put on a surface feed with birds diving, fish busting etc.

          I would use bunker spoons when marking bass on the bottom or suspended 20-40 feet down. In this situation the fish are very unlikely to crush a plug on the surface, and the bunker spoon really shines.

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