September 27 2015

Sprinting after Striper Blitzes [VIDEO]


You definitely do not have to wake up early right now to catch fish on Cape Cod! Yesterday I experienced one of the best striper blitzes of my entire season smack dab in the middle of the afternoon.

​To make this event even more unusual was the fact I was fishing from shore and not from a boat. At times the bass were in such shallow water I thought they might beach themselves on the sand!


Of course I managed to catch some video footage in between catching fish and sprinting down the beach after the blitzes.

Click play below to watch.

Members of My Fishing Cape Cod can click the orange buttons below to download 6 HD photos taken during this trip and 3 Google Earth images of the area fished.

Member Downloads

6 HD photos taken
during this trip

3 Google Earth images
of the area fished

On another note, keep your eyes peeled to the New England Patriot's game today. There's a chance that My Fishing Cape Cod may be featured for a few seconds after one of the commercial breaks.

I was very fortunate to do a little filming recently ​with the Pats' camera crew. My cousins run offshore lobster boats and the Patriots thought it would be cool to show some scenes of lobstermen during today's game.

The guys inquired if I would be able to catch a big bass and bring it down to the lobster boats for some filming, so I stayed up all night to catch this 27 pounder, just in time to meet the film crew aboard the lobster boat as it offloaded.

Fun stuff!​

I will be interested to see if they use the footage during today's game!

What do you think? Let me know by commenting below.

  • Ryan,

    My wife and I saw it on Sunday- Congratulations!
    And, even GREATER congrats of the terrific news on
    your mother’s health!
    I will be signing off of MFCC until we return next spring –
    but you can bet that I will be back!
    It is a terrific site with tons of valuable info – keep up the great work!!

  • Great video. However, those Google earth images of open water don’t us MFCC members much good! 😉 I’m not asking lat/longs but can you lend some insight to what part of the cape you were on or what stretch of beaches we could/should hit these next few weeks?! Tight lines!

    Tight lines!

    • Glad you enjoyed the video! Those images may not appear obvious, but they offer some very good clues for the well trained eye 😉 I will say this…the fishing in your neck of the woods has been quite good.

      Feel free to shoot me an email or PM and we can discuss some specifics.

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