Did you know that Massachusetts is considering matching Rhode Island’s “Trophy Tautog” rule? Massachusetts is considering adopting Rhode Island’s new rule that only 1 tautog out of daily bag limit can be over 21 inches long.
It’s not very often, if ever, that states take a voluntary reduction in any recreational fish species, be it bag limit or size restrictions, in order to maintain and or enhance the fishery. This shift to proactive management is not a little thing! This is a chance to be proactive, rather than wait until a species is damaged, and we are forced to try to take steps to rescue it.
If you aren’t familiar with this new rule, then have a listen to what Greg Vespe of the Rhode Island Saltwater Anglers Association has to say…
"It’s refreshing to see Massachusetts take steps to join Rhode Island in being proactive in protecting these slow growing fish that are quickly becoming the back bone of the New England fall fishery. With no change to bag limits, and everyone still allowed to catch a trophy, and set their own club or state record, it’s hard to find a negative with this proposal. It’s responsible management at its best."
All Cape Cod & Massachusetts anglers are encouraged to let your voice be heard at the DMF’s virtual public hearing on November 1st at 6pm. Registration is required via this link 👉🏻 https://bit.ly/3SIdZJv
DMF will also accept written public comment through 5PM on Friday, November 11, 2022. Submit written comments to Director Daniel McKiernan by e-mail ([email protected]) or post (251 Causeway Street, Suite 400, Boston, MA 02114). For more information please visit DMF’s website at www.mass.gov/marinefisheries
Tight lines, let me know what you think, and I hope you have a wonderful start to your week! 🎣
October 31 2022
Massachusetts is Considering Adopting Rhode Island’s New “Trophy Tautog” Rule