June 25 2020

Crab Hides From Big Striped Bass | Underwater Drama Caught On Video


ryan collins my fishing cape cod breakfast

So far this 2020 fishing season, I've gained a deep respect for the areas I fish. Underwater videos which capture "special moments" in nature, have really had an impact on me.

For example, life's good when you're a crab and you find a chunk of mackerel. But in the ocean, the tables can turn quickly - especially when striped bass arrive on scene!

The following clip captures an "underwater drama" between a crab and a school of stripers. I would imagine scenes like this one probably unfold daily in the waters surrounding Cape Cod & the Islands. 


Please click play below to check it out! ?

I believe the species of crab in the above video is called a Lady Crab. As you can see at the beginning of the video, the Lady Crab can swim quickly through the water using a pair of appendages called "swimmerets".

In the past I've used these crabs for bait while fishing the flats of Cape Cod Bay, and they work great! You can find these crabs in tidal pools, buried just as you saw in this video, during the lower stages of the tide.

I hope you enjoyed this video clip as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you. To access more wildlife videos like this one, please click the toggle at the bottom of this post.

Tight lines! ?

Click Here to Watch More Wildlife Videos!

What do you think about this video clip?

Please let me know by commenting below!

  • I think Ryan has a massive saltwater aquarium in his basement and makes these clips! Kind of like the lunar landing. JK – these marine clips are really cool!

  • Excellent video! Is this MFCC or Nat Geo! you are really kicking it up a notch or 2 or 3! Great work Ryan!

  • That’s a great video, the music sets the scene well. Are you diving on this trip or just dropping a camera down there?

    • I’m glad you like the music Mike, LOL. I had fun with this one!

      I was not snorkeling on this day. For this clip I was fishing from my kayak, and I had placed a camera on the bottom. Just shoot me an email or private message if you’d like more information about the camera setup.

      Hope all is well! ?

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