May 9 2021

2021 Group Fishing Trip Online Registration


Online registration for 2021 My Fishing Cape Cod group fishing trips will open on Sunday May 16th at 3pm.

My mission with these trips is to offer an affordable way to experience some of the best fishing Cape Cod has to offer!


Trip Dates

Below are the dates I have scheduled for black sea bass, stripers and bluefin tuna.

Costs for trips range between $220/person to $500/person depending on the type of trip.

Black Sea Bass

Thursday May 20th - trip #1 black sea bass $220/person
Thursday May 20th - trip #2 black sea bass $220/person

Tuesday May 25th - trip #1 black sea bass $275/person
Tuesday May 25th - trip #2 black sea bass $275/person

Wednesday May 26 - trip #1 black sea bass $375/person
Wednesday May 26 - trip #2 black sea bass $375/person

Saturday May 29th - trip #1 black sea bass $220/person
Saturday May 29th - trip #2 black sea bass $220/person

Some trips may even be filmed and featured on the MFCC website, social media channels and tv show!

Striped Bass

Tuesday June 1st - stripers $290/person
Wednesday June 2nd - stripers $250/person
Thursday June 3rd - stripers $375/person
Saturday June 5th - stripers $250/person
Monday June 7th - stripers $375/person
Tuesday June 8th - stripers $250/person
Thursday June 10th - stripers $375/person
Saturday June 12th - stripers $290/person

Some trips may even be filmed and featured on the MFCC website, social media channels and tv show!

Bluefin Tuna

Thursday July 1st - bluefin tuna $400/person
Thursday July 8th - bluefin tuna $400/person

Tuesday September 21st - bluefin tuna $500/person
Wednesday September 22nd - bluefin tuna $450/person
Thursday September 23rd - bluefin tuna $500/person

Some trips may even be filmed and featured on the MFCC website, social media channels and tv show!

How To Register

Online registration for these trips will open on Sunday May 16th at 3pm. There's a high demand for spots onboard these trips, so here is how the registration will proceed:

  • People who are members of My Fishing Cape Cod will receive an email with a link to where they can purchase spots at 3:00pm.
  • People who are not members of My Fishing Cape Cod will receive an email with a link to where they can register at 4pm.

Please enter your email to make sure you are notified as soon as group fishing trip registration opens.

More Information

For our 2021 group fishing trips we'll once again be teaming up with captain Cullen Lundholm of Cape Star Charters. ?

Since 2015 we've been running group trips with Cullen for haddock, tautog, black sea bass, stripers, bluefish, and bluefin tuna.

Cullen runs a 27' Conch center console boat which is a fishing machine. 

If you'd like to do a deep-dive into past group trips to see what they're all about, then please review some of the videos and reports linked below.

In the meantime, please feel free to reach out with any questions by leaving a comment, or clicking the green intercom bubble in the lower right hand corner of your screen. ?

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