September 22 2017

Cape Cod Weekend Fishing Report | September 22nd


Kevin Collins

Hello and welcome to yet another edition of the My Fishing Cape Cod Podcast! We have an episode chock-full of fishing information for you this week. 

The sustained northeast winds have made the fishing on Cape Cod challenging, but not impossible.

Large striped bass can still be caught, and the albie and tuna fishing should return to normal once the winds die down. 

As usual, we have Ryan Collins and Jeff Miller providing their respective reports. Additionally, this week we welcome MFCC "All-Star" member Ron Rudowsky to the air for the first time!


MFCC founder & creator Ryan Collins tunes in this week while shopping with his wife, Lauren. Ryan provides us with a detailed report, and his prediction as to how the recent storm conditions will affect fishing throughout Cape Cod. 

MFCC All-Star Member Ron Rudowsky joins the podcast this week to provide some insight into the newly renovated MFCC Forum. Ron gives tips on how to use the forum, and how it can improve your fishing. 

We wrap up today's show by visiting Jeff Miller of Canal Bait & Tackle in Sagamore. The weather has been problematic the past three days, but there are still big fish in the canal. Jeff has reported weighing in striped bass up to 50 pounds this week.

In this episode we cover:

  • Ryan's latest fishing report for Cape Cod (1:30)
  • Latest episodes of My Fishing Cape Cod TV (3:59)
  • How the recent storms will affect the false albacore action (6:17)
  • Welcoming Ron Rudowsky to the air! (9:50)
  • How Ron got started on MFCC (10:33)
  • Ron's experience on the MFCC Forum (10:58)
  • Jeff's Cape Cod Canal fishing update (17:10)
  • What the canal striped bass are feeding on (18:08)
  • How the dirty water affects striped bass fishing (18:59)
  • Jeff's top lures and colors for murky water (21:07)
  • And much more...

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