December 7 2016

How to Tie the FG Knot — The Ultimate Braid-to-Mono Connection


Ryan Collins

Personally, I have always used the Slim Beauty knot to connect braid to monofilament or fluorocarbon leaders.

Yet there are other options and alternatives to the Slim Beauty may work better for you.

Today I'd like to share with you one such alternative, called the FG Knot.

You can learn how to tie the FG Knot by watching the video below, created by My Fishing Cape Cod member and intern, Andrew Burke.


Thank you Andrew for creating this video! Nicely done my friend, and I am looking forward to seeing what you create next.

On a similar note, if you are looking for more information on surfcasting, then please enroll in our free Surfcasting for Striped Bass Video Course.

The course has been updated for the 2017 season, with new footage, tips and information. Expect to see more courses and in-depth videos soon.

What knots do you recommend?

Let us know by commenting below.

  • Great knot, I use it almost every time unless I’m in a hurry. When I have time I actually do the hitchless fg with rizutto finish. Little different from his video. Just adds more strength. I learned it from a tuna fisherman from Australia.

    • Nice! I’ve been meaning to learn the hitch-less version, but the standard version is yet to fail on me. Regardless, the stronger the better!

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