Welcome to another edition of the My Fishing Cape Cod podcast here on myfishingcapecod.com. I'm your host Kevin Collins back with you for another exciting edition of the podcast here in 2021.
Today's episode was recorded on April 22. For those of you who've been following along with the podcast this season, we've been mixing it up between our interview-type format and our fishing report-type format.
For this podcast we are going to publish an original fishing report style show with our roundtable of guests including MFCC founder Ryan Collins, Goose Hummock owner Phil Howarth, and MFCC member Bruno Demir of Cape & Islands Mitsubishi.
We're also working to include more guests to provide fishing reports for new and different areas. Our goal is to provide you with the latest info about what's going on in the waters surrounding Cape Cod & the Islands.
Members of MFCC can access a written transcription of today's podcast at the bottom of this post.
Please click play below to start listening, or scroll down for an overview of the guests and information provided in today's podcast. ?
Over the past 10 days MFCC founder Ryan Collins has had luck freshwater fishing for brown trout, rainbow trout and largemouth bass, at the ponds of Outer Cape Cod.
Ryan has been fishing the ponds both on foot and in his kayak. Baker JLD jerk baits have been working exceptionally well.
We also received a full MFCC news update from Ryan, with information about who won the latest member-only fishing trip and charter giveaways.
Ryan goes on to share a saltwater fishing forecast for squid, stripers, tautog, and more.
Members of MFCC can access Ryan's report by clicking play below, or by reading the podcast transcription.
Next up is store owner Phil Howarth of the Goose Hummock Shops in Orleans. The store has been busy according to Phil, with people out freshwater fishing and getting ready for the arrival of striped bass.
Phil reports that stripers are being caught on Cape, but they are most likely holdovers. Freshwater fishing has also been very popular recently, especially among families.
The Goose is now hiring for part-time and full-time employees for the upcoming season. Please phone the store if you are interested in applying at (508) 255-0455 or just swing by the shop.
Members of MFCC can access Phil's full report by clicking play below, or by reading the podcast transcription.
Third in today's lineup is Bruno Demir - My Fishing Cape Cod member and owner of Cape & Islands Mitsubishi.
Last week Bruno gave squid fishing a try but didn't have any luck. He thinks squid will start being caught this week (or next week at the absolute latest). Bruno recommends using the smaller squid jigs in green and pink.
According to what Bruno's hearing, haddock are being caught at Stellwagen and some tautog have been caught in Buzzard's Bay. Bruno recommends the outgoing tide for tog fishing.
Schoolies with sea lice are being caught in Narragansett, so Bruno thinks they'll show along the southside of the Cape by the first week of May.
Members of MFCC can access Bruno's full report by clicking play below, or by reading the podcast transcription.
Podcast Transcription
Kevin Collins:
Well, hello and welcome to another edition of the My Fishing Cape Cod Podcast here from myfishingcapecod.com. I'm your host, Kevin Collins, back with you for another exciting addition to the podcast here in 2021. And for those of you that have been following along this season, we've been mixing up our podcasts between the fishing report-type format and our interview-type format. And for this podcast, we're going to stick with our original fishing report-type layout, and we're going to have a round table of guest experts join me here on the show to provide you with the latest and greatest info of what's going on in the waters around Cape Cod here, as we approach late April.
Kevin Collins:
Want to take a moment off the top of the show to wish everybody a happy Earth Day. It's April 22nd as I'm recording this and the show will probably come out tomorrow on Friday the 23rd. But important for everyone to take a moment to appreciate how great we have it here on Cape Cod and do a little something today and every day to preserve this great ecosystem that we're so privileged to be a part of. So let's get right into the content on today's program by welcoming in our first guest.
Kevin Collins:
Well, as usual, our first guest on this week's edition of the My Fishing Cape Cod Podcast is MFCC founder and creator Ryan Collins. Ryan, how are you today?
Ryan Collins:
I'm doing pretty well today, Kevin. Pretty brisk scout today. Pretty windy.
Kevin Collins:
Yeah, the weather changed. We had some kind of 65 to 70 degree temperatures and we had a front move through and it feels like winter might be back for a day or two. But I understand before it got real cold today, you've been out doing some freshwater fishing.
How is the flounder bite during May in Cape cod bay? Any tips for locating or specific bait? Also, how about scup? What is the best species to go for when bottom fishing in the bay?
Hey Nick,
I am no flounder expert, but I do know people catch them in Cape Cod Bay during May and June. Seaworms and clams all work well. I would try the Billingsgate area. You might catch a few sea bass too. You could also try for tautog using green crabs, sea worms or clams. For tog you’ll want to locate some rocky bottom structure.
Scup typically hang out in Buzzard’s Bay and the Sounds. I’ve never caught one before in Cape Cod Bay.
Gluck! ?