April 6 2021

Youth Angler Giveaways Are Back!


All MFCC anglers 18 years of age and younger are welcome to enter our youth angler giveaway series!

I started doing these giveaways during the holidays, and now I would like to get them going again for the 2021 fishing season.

If you are 18 years of age or younger and have not already entered, then please leave a comment at the bottom of this post to get your name included in the next giveaway!

Thank you to all the members of My Fishing Cape Cod who have donated tackle and equipment for me to use in these giveaways-I really appreciate it! ??

Please scroll below to learn more about the items and winners of the youth angler giveaway series.


July 13th winner is...

May 2nd winner is...

April 6th winner is...

12/3 winner is...

Responsive Video

12/8 winner is...

12/12 winners are...

12/17 winners are...

12/23 winner is...

12/25 winner is...

12/29 winner is...

Thanks again to all the members of MFCC who have made donations this year. Keep up the strong work! ??

Please stay tuned for the next giveaway which I will be launching soon! If you are 18 years of age or younger and would like to be included in the next giveaway, then please leave a comment below.

Please LMK if you have any questions, and good luck in these giveaways!

Tight lines ?

Enter Holiday Giveaways!

I'll be giving away more gear all throughout this Holiday Season. If you're 18 or younger, you can enter by leaving a comment at the very bottom of this post.

  • I’m Cristian I’m 15 years old, I live in Boston but I mainly go fishing in Cape Cod For Scup and Striped Bass!!!!! I would love to be entered in the giveaways thank you Ryan!!!

  • Hi Ryan,
    My name is Cannon. I’m from Cape Cod and I love fishing here! Thanks for all the tips, I also love all your blogs too! I hope you could enter me in the “Youth Angler Giveaway”.

    • Sounds great Cannon! Thanks for the comment, and I’m really happy you enjoy following along with MFCC. I will definitely include your name in the next giveaway. Good luck!

  • My name is will and the reason i would like to win something is because my brother always has better gear than me so i want to be able to have better gear than him.

  • Hi my name is Cole Jenkins I’m 15 and I love fishing and always need new gear, I would love to enter the next giveaway

  • In Boston and occasionally hit the canal and local beaches for stripers, blues, and Black Sea bass with my uncles. Looking to improve my tacklebox.

  • Hi Ryan, my names Jacob, I‘m 11 and if I’m not playing hockey I’m thinking about fishing from shore or on my dads boat! We look forward to hearing and seeing your posts. Thanks for entering me!

    • That’s awesome Jacob! I’m really happy you are enjoying fishing so much! Your name has been entered for the next giveaway. Good luck if you make it out fishing this weekend with your dad!

  • Hi! My name is Jack Grover. Im 8 years old and love fishing with my dad from shore. I’d love to have my own gear one day! Thank you!

  • My thirteen year old son, Euan, would like to through his name in the hat. He and I fish ponds and occasionally saltwater in the Boston area. Enjoying the stocked trout right now! I’ve showed him your videos a few times and he is excited to do more saltwater fishing this spring.

  • I’m Ellie, 5 year old and my papa had taken me fishing and had learn to cast last year. I even learning this year to fly fish. My papa is typing this for me. Please include me in this giveaway.

  • My son (Omid age 7) loves fishing and he got his first freshwater fish this season. Please include him in this giveaway.

  • Love to enter one or both of my boys who love to fish from shore or in the boat on the Cape.

    James – 7
    David – 10

  • My son loves to fish the cape and just got his first surf topwater striper last fall. He loves watching your videos and would love to be entered in the giveaway!

    Sebastian Kline, age 10

  • I am 12 years old and I love fishing for stripers on cape cod bay with my older brother, especially at sunrise. I’d love to win some gear for myself so I don’t have to borrow his all the time. Thank you!

  • Hi Ryan love watching your videos and keeping up with news on your Instagram.
    Would be awesome to have some new gear for the next season. Can’t wait for the striped bass to make their way up to Marshfield. Good luck this season

  • Hey Ryan I heard that the giveaways were back. I’d love to win some more good items from you. I was at the gym with my uncle that other day and I saw you on The tv I was like man that’s cool. Happy days and tight lines.

    • Sounds good Brayden, and that’s funny that you saw me on tv. The show is a lot of fun! Thanks for watching and I hope you had a good time at the gym with your uncle. Tight lines! ?

  • RYAN I CANT BELIEVE IT! Its me Alden I don’t know if it shows what email I sent that message from but I sent you a DM on instagram. I couldn’t have won a better prize and I can’t wait to put that setup to good use. Thanks so much for what you do for this community.

  • My son, Grayson Judge would like to be added to the youth fisherman raffles. He’s 3 years old and loves fishing with me on the boat or shore.

  • My name is Gabe and I can’t wait for striper season on the Cape! I like to surfcast in Truro and Provincetown, and do a lot of freshwater fishing year round in New York.

  • Hey my name is will and i love fishing the cape in Maine primarily for stripers and it would be so cool to win something!

  • i am my name is rhys and i am 11 years old and fish in massachusetts.
    this was of is perfect for the fishing i do and fishing is my passion

  • Hi Ryan,
    Its Reece again 🙂 I love watching the give away videos with my dad and hope my name is called on one soon. I will be 11 next month and I love to fish. I cant wait for the next give away.

    • Sounds good Reece! I actually just received a new rod and reel donation yesterday in the mail to use for a giveaway.

      However I’m not sure when I’ll be able to do the next giveaway because I’m leaving for Costa Rica on January 13th! Hopefully the fishing down there will be good.

      Either way I will definitely do more giveaways this winter as soon as I get home from Costa Rica. I hope the freshwater fishing has been treating you well. Tight lines Reece!

  • Hello Ryan, I am 11 years old , and I live on cape cod. I want to spend more time with my dad and I want to learn to fish with him. I hope you have a great rest of your day . With all due respect Lia Reis. Ps. Happy new year!

  • Hi Ryan
    My name is Aiden and I am 8 years old. I fish for stripers blackfish and bottom fish. I do not need any fishing rods. My dad has a lot. But I am trying to fill up my tackle box. And I like to do alot of fishing with my friend.

    Tight lines transcribed by dad.

  • Hi Ryan,

    My name is Jack. Im 8 years old and just started surf fishing with my dad. We go to North Truro every year and wake up early every morning and fish the beaches. I’d love to have my own fishing pole this year.

  • Hi Ryan my name is Eldar I am from NH I am 13 years old and go saltwater fishing alone my dad and mom don’t fish so I always have to save up money for a long time to buy something because they think fishing is dumb. Winning this gift card would help me a lot to buy new plugs because I only have 2 right now.

  • My name is Brendan I am 15 years old! I would love to win this gift card to help support goose hummock and shop! I love there wide selection of plugs and tackle!

  • I love fly fishing in central mass in the winter months and on the cape in the warmer months. I also use spinning tackle and love catching albies, trout, and stripers.

  • Hi Ryan, my name is Ian Cook, I am 16 years old. I have been fishing Cape Cod for my entire life. I really want to win the gift card.

  • Hey Ryan I have tried this a few times hoping I get lucky this time I’m 16 and hoping for the best merry Christmas and best of luck to everyone

  • Hey Ryan, I’m 17 years old and have been fishing the Cape all my life with my dad. I fish for any and all fish from the beach, Canal and boat. I’d love to win a give away to expand my fishing passion. Thank you for the opportunity and Happy Holidays!

  • Hello Ryan, my name is Brixton. I am 8 years old and I started striper fishing with my dad last summer. I would love to win this giveaway. Merry Christmas. Thanks you for doing these contests. Tight Lines.

  • Hello, my name is Brixton. I am 8 years old. I started striper fishing with my dad last summer. We like to fish in Westport and also in our local spots. Hope you have a merry Christmas! Thank you for doing these contests.

  • Hi Ryan, I’m a 17 year old avid saltwater fisherman. I love fishing all over the cape and out in the deep too. This would add to my collection even more and give me an opportunity to expand it! Thanks for the opportunity and tight lines! Happy Holidays as well to you and your family!

    • Hey Ryan,
      I’m 17 my buddy and I do lots of surf fishing here in Mass. Dope giveaway some new lures would definitely be appreciated.
      Happy holidays!

  • Hey I’m Josh. Got into fishing the cape by harwich this summer. I actually already won one of these but figured it’d be pretty sick if it happened again

  • I’m Henry Geggatt and just turned 12. My favorite is getting up early with dad to go fishing and getting lunch on Martha’s Vineyard after

  • Hi- i am 11 years old and fish for striped bass all around buzzards Bay.
    I had a huge bass but it broke off when we were in Hadley harbor.
    Merry Christmas!

  • I am 14 and don’t have a lot of saltwater gear but I wish I did. Me and my friends go fishing in the cape each year and it’s a lot of fun.

  • Hi I’m Austin! I might be a bit late but might as well try LOL I’m 16 and fish the Long Island sound areas lol ! If I’m not too late, wish me luck ❄️❄️❄️

  • Hey Ryan, I am a 15 year old in high school. Due to COVID-19 this year I was doing a lot more fishing and my tackle and gear was old. Wishing to win and happy holidays to you and your family.

  • Hi Ryan, I am 12 years old and I do a mixture of fresh and saltwater fishing. In the saltwater I fish mostly for albies and stripers and in the fresh I mostly for trout. Thanks for holding this giveaway.

  • My name is Elio and I’m 8yrs old.I lost my fishing poll this past summer in the water trying to catch stripers.and would like a new one.

  • My name is Gabe and I love striper fishing with the Diawa SP minnow on the Cape!! This winter I’ll be ice fishing a lot in the Adirondacks, my other favorite place to fish.

  • Hi Ryan, I’m a 17 year old avid saltwater fisherman. I love fishing all over the cape and out in the deep too. This would add to my collection even more and give me an opportunity to expand it! Thanks for the opportunity and tight lines!

  • Hey Ryan, I am 19 years old and have been fishing for as long as I can remember. I love surfcasting and going out on my small boat with my friends all along the south shore and cape. Happy holidays ??

  • I am 19 years old and have been fishing for as long as I can remember. I love surfcasting all along the south shore and cape and also have a small boat that my friends and I take out over the summer. These giveaways are awesome! Happy holidays ??

  • Hey my names griffin and I love fishing it would be so cool to win anything from you! My brother had won so I thought I would give it a shot thanks so much for this opportunity!

  • I absolutely love fishing on the South Shore out of Scituate MA. I think it would be really cool to have some nice new rods! Thank you !

  • hi ryan i really hope i win i’ve got my trout setup and canal rod, another freshwater rod and a schoolie/albie setup is on my christmas list. thanks for running these

  • Hi my name is Max and I am 17 years old. I love to surf fish for stripers especially in the canal. Hope to hear back from you and or win!

  • Hello, my name is Max Montalto. I am 17 years old and love to surf fish for stripers. I spend most of my time at the canal hoping for that 50 but also enjoy sand beaches at night. I hope to win one of your giveaways because I love how you put your time in cleaning the canal and beaches. Thanks for the awesome content, keep it up.

  • Hey it would be so cool to win anything at all form one of these giveaways my brother had won a plug bag in one of the past giveaways so I though I could test my luck. I started fishing 4 years and wanna get more into saltwater fishing this year.

  • Hello, I am Owen and using my papa computer to entry your contest. I am 7 years old and enjoy fishing. I had never did salt water and papa always said it’s fun to fish for the big one.

    Thank you
    Owen Soltysiak

  • I love all of your videos and I would love to to get a nice rod and reel for the new 2021 fishing year. I am also 13 by the way and thank you and keep up the good work

  • Hello my name is John Duff. I am 18 years old and enjoy surf fishing for stripers and blues. It is how I spend many of my early summer mornings. 3am at the canal and then beaches in the evening. I hope to win one of your giveaways because the merch and lures are truly amazing. Thanks for all you do!

  • Hello, my name is Neil and I am 12. I love fishing it is my favorite thing to do. I fish with my brother and dad who both love fishing as well.

  • Hello, my name is Brixton I am 8yrs old. I go fishing a lot with my dad. We go fishing at this spot at the mouth of the Westport River. I really like blue mackerel pattern sp minnow. I’ve caught my first 3 striped bass with it this summer.

  • I am 14 and love fishing so much. I don’t get to go saltwater fishing very often but in the summer my friends and I go down to cape cod and catch some fish.

  • Hey, my names Finn Hayes i’m 16. I fish in Nantucket all summer and would love to win some new tackle and gear for next summer! Thanks for the chance to win!

  • Hi Ryan my name is JP I’m 17 years old. I do a ton of striper fishing from the boat and from the shore. Hope to see you out there on the water. Tight lines!

  • Hey Ryan, this is Andrew J. It would be awesome if I won a giveaway from you because I’ve never won something from you before.

  • Hello my name is Lucas and I am 17. I’ve been going to the cape for all my life and fishing is a big part of it. Winning some new gear would help me to get better and catch more fish.

  • Hey I would really like to win. I’m 16 years old! I fish down the cape all the time in the summer and could really use the help in using some gear sine I don’t have much!

  • Hey! I would really like to win this giveaway because I fish down the cape many times in the summer and could really use the extra gear since I don’t have that much!

  • Hi my name is Davis I am 11 and I love to fish in my pond. I catch lots of bass and pickerel and have wanted to catch stripers for a long time.

  • Hey Ryan, I’m Evan I’m 16 years old and def addicted to fishing, I fish mostly from the canal up to Chatham. Thanks for this opportunity to win gear.

  • Hi Ryan,
    My name is Nicky Rhodes and I fish the cape all summer. Whether it is going for bass in the ponds, or going offshore for marlin and tuna, I love to do it. I would love to be entered in the giveaway for a chance to win some cool gear.

  • Hi Ryan, My name is Quin McCarthy and I live for fishing the cape. I’m 17 years old and fish for stripers, tuna, sharks and everything else out of Fairhaven MA. I have a good amount of gear but could use a new rod and reel. Thanks for the entry and Tight Lines.

  • I would like to enter my son Max who is 8. He’s been getting into fishing by hitting up the Brewster flats and ponds at Nickerson.

  • Hi Ryan,
    These videos are really cool. Thank you for giving us all a chance to win such awesome stuff. I am trying to start a fishing YouTube channel this spring and love you’re videos.
    Thanks for the chance to win such cool stuff.
    Reece @fishwithreece

  • Hi i’d like to enter my son Peyton who is 10 years old. He’s been fishing since he was two. He loves to fish the canal and some of the black bays. Thanks for the chance and good luck everybody.

  • Hey my name is Sabin, I am ADDICTED to surfcasting and every thing about it to plugs and witch knot I use J have been surfcasting for almost 3 years now but I have so much more to lear about the art.

  • Hey Ryan my names Adam and I am 18 years old and I’ve been a fan for a long time! I fish stripers all summer and love surfcasting at the cape cod canal and some secret local beach spots. I’m a broke college student that would really appreciate and use any gear!

  • Hey guys. Love your stuff. I’m Quinn Mucha (16) and I live on cape cod year round. I work on charters out of Barnstable Harbor but I’m fishing before and after them usually! I’d love to be included in the next giveaways. Thanks

  • Hi, My name is Jack and I am 13 years old and over this summer I was fishing in Barnstable harbor and I actually saw the My Fishing Cape Cod boat in a slip at the marina. Anyways when I was fishing in the Harbor and I broke my Mojo Surf rod when I was setting the hook little did I know I set the hook into a rock. So now I am only left with my Van Staal VS reel and Don’t have a Rod for the upcoming spring.

  • Hi, My name is Quin McCarthy and I live for fishing the cape. I’m 17 years old and fish for stripers, tuna, sharks and everything else out of Fairhaven MA. I have a good amount of gear but could use a new rod and reel. Thanks for the entry and Tight Lines.

  • Hello, my names Brendan I’m 15 and my family has been subscribed to my fishing cape cod since 2015, I would love to win this as it would be able to help me get my dad into throwing plugs for stripers instead of fishing the lazy way. Haha!

  • Hi Ryan – I’m Nolan, 7 years old, and I love to fish saltwater and freshwater with my mom, dad, and sister. We especially enjoy getting out on Cape Cod Bay. Last summer I caught my first keeper Striper (29”) on a blurple SP minnow that my dad gave me. Merry Christmas!

  • Hey! I’ve been following MFCC for a while now and really love it. This giveaway would really help since I don’t have the money for lots of striper lures and a bag. I love striper fishing since I am down the cape many times in the summer.

  • Hey Ryan. My name is Brayden I am a sophomore in high school I would love to win this giveaway and make my tackle game so much stronger I love everything you do For your community keep it up.

  • I’m 16 I’ve been fishing seriously since I was about 13 I’ve been working since 14 on fishing boats trying to save for one but in the meantime I’m trying to build up my surf tackle for spring

  • Hi I’m Will I’m 16 years old live in Yarmouth and just got into fishing I would loooovvvveee to win this because I want to start surfcasting and that rod and reel look great and some awesome lures! This would make my Christmas love your videos!!!!

  • Hi Ryan, hope this comment finds you well. Tommy told me you were offering a Raffle. Would be great to enter, if you’re still offering it. Have a great day!

    • Hi Ryan, I’m Ben I’m 18 I found out about this give away from my brother, and he said there is some coils stuff to win, so here’s my submission, thx.

  • Thanks for the opportunity Ryan. I am turning 12 in January and started fishing 4 years ago with My Dad and my Uncle Pete and my cousins all over Cape Cod. Big fan!

    Thanks, Nivk

  • Hello,
    I appreciate the giveaways that you will be distributing. I like to fish saltwater and freshwater. I would use the plug bag for next season if I won it. The lures look really nice too.

  • Hi Ryan!, I’m Dominic and I’m 18 years old. I fish year round right here in Plymouth , wether it’s for cold winter trout or bass fishing at the canal.

  • Hi Ryan. I’m 16 and I have watched your YouTube videos and your show for years. Fishing gets expensive so it would be great to win those plugs and the plug bag. Thanks.

  • Hello, I’m a sixteen year old local that would really enjoy to win one of these giveaways. I’ve lived on the Cape my whole life and have fished in fresh and salt water. Thank you, Aidan.

  • Hey Ryan big fan of you and the canal. Would like to use this set up to help get my brother into fishing more. I’m 17 and from mass

  • Hi, I’m a 13-year-old boy I joys going with my dad fishing on the Cape Cod Canal and love reading the articles that you have on the website

    • I am 17 and a senior in high school. I’ve enjoyed fishing for 4-5 years now, and I own an account called @Foreelsportfishing. We aspire to be like you one day!

  • Hello, I’m Sam, I’m a sophomore here on the cape. I really appreciate the opportunity give to me to get combo with all that tackle. I’m really looking to up my surf game and this would be a great way to do it. Thanks!

  • Hey Ryan I’m 12 and I’m addicted to fishing lol I’d like to win this giveaway so I can have some good quality products in my collection.

    • Hi I am 14 years old and I am in love with fishing. I have grown up fishing and have been very successful in all sorts of fishing. A rod and reel like this would truly be a blessing and it would help me to finally get my first cow striper in which I have lost two already this fall run.

  • Hey thanks so much!
    15. I got into fishing the cape this summer, but my parents aren’t so into helping me buy fishing equipment but hopefully this will help. Thanks!

  • I would like to enter my 8 year old nephew Liam who is newer to fishing. We bought a boat this past year and he loves it. He has always said big bait big fish. He always tells us that he will out fish us. He is the only one that caught a striper this year.

  • Hello I’d like to enter my girlfriend zoee who is 18 just started fishing with me both fresh and salt has come with me on a few trips and caught a few trout and some striped bass would be an amazing set up for her to start with

  • I would like to enter my 8 year old son Max. Max and I have gotten into fishing the last couple of years and just started fishing the flats in Brewster. This would be a great pole for him to start enjoying a great sport.

  • Hi,
    I’m Gia, 9 years old, and I love to Striper fish with my dad in Cape Cod Bay. My personal best so far is 34”. Hoping to beat my dad’s record some year soon! Please enter me in the giveaway.
    Thank you!

  • hi ryan my name is alden and i’m 17 years old. im from centeral/eastern massachusetts and i’ve grown up boat fishing for striped bass. there was a period of 3 years where i completely lost interest in fishing, but two winters ago i binging your videos. i fished every chance i could last year, and this year due to the circumstances were in with covid my grandfather and i decided to not take the boat out, but to try it out the canal instead. i got a canal rod and used some of my grandfathers old lures and gave the canal over two dozen shots in the months of july and august on the days i didn’t have school. safe to say 20 out of those 24 7 hour trips 3am – 10am we never had a bite. i convinced my grandfather to subscribe to MFCC and i cannot describe how much i learned from the forums. the community is great. during the summer i went to chatham and at the mouth of the oyster river i hooked into the biggest striper of my life on a diamond jig. i had it up into the wash before it took off like a jet and ran for 3 minutes straight before breaking the hook off the jig. almost spooled my 6000 reel. i’m really interested in this giveaway not just for myself, but for a friend who i’ve helped get ‘hooked’ on fishing. i can see 4 lures in that picture that i have on my christmas list, and the rod i’d be really excited to give to my friend, who is currently using his freshwater rod to try to catch stripers in boston harbor. I think he’d really appreciate it, and I would be over myself with appreciation. i just got my drivers license in september, so i’m already planning trips with my friend to cape beaches next summer. Thanks for running this giveaway and this website, it helps so many people out. (sorry if this is the second time this sent, it said something went wrong the first time)

  • Hi, I would like to enter my 6 year old daughter. We go to Martha’s Vineyard a few times a year and she loves to fish. This would be a great way to get her back out there fishing again. Thanks.

  • Hi,

    My name is Daniel and I am 8 years old. I like striper fishing with my dad and uncles in Beverly and my Pepere in the summer time at their house in newbedford. I also want to catch a tuna someday. I promise I won’t let my dad use the rod. Thank you


  • Hi my name is Devin and I am 18. I have been following you for the past couple years now and I think that’s what you’ve done for the cape cod fishing community is amazing. I would love to win this new rod and add it to my arsenal. This giveaway would be such a bright spot in such a dark time!

  • I am 15 and just joined today. I saw that there was a give away so I decided to enter. It would be pretty sick if I won.

  • Hi my name is Jack Roberta I am 15 years old, 11 Schoolie stripers thanks to you, I want to say that your channel taught me so much, and I just want to say thank you Ryan Collins. I am not sure how to sign up for this give away and I will try. Thanks!!!

  • Hey Ryan, my name is Brayden I’m a sophomore in high school and I love the sport of fishing. I usually go to the vineyard every year to do albacore fishing and I love the pure excitement that fishing brings too everyone. Fishing is my enjoyment I love seeing all the people line up on the canal and seeing all the people happy. When you leave the canal after a long day you see everyone with a smile doesn’t matter if they caught anything or not. I would love to win this giveaway for all of the new fishing adventures that I will find.

  • Hello my name is Neriah, I am 13 years old, and I love fishing with my cousins. Sadly, I don’t have an ocean rod yet so this is perfect for my predicament. Please enter me and thank you!

  • I’m 16 it would be awesome if I won this giveaway as I want to start to fish the cape cod canal this would be amazing start!!

  • Hey Ryan, I am 16 and live about 20 mins south of Boston. I have grown up on the water and last year we bought our first boat! Fishing is my passion and I hope to purse a marine career where I can work to sustain our amazing fishery and preserve, protect, and enhance habitat and populations for all our fish species. I fished the canal for the first time this year and got nothing but schoolies, yet still a lot of fun I don’t have a surf combo besides my dads 30 year old big fish ugly stick which is at least 5 pounds. Winning this would be very helpful so I don’t need to spend any more of my hard earned cash on fishing gear as I am buying a car soon. Please consider me for winning! Love your content and have been a fan for years keep up the good stuff man!

  • Hey I’m Matt and I’m 16. I spend most of my time freshwater fishing near my home about an hour away from the cape and I would like to do more saltwater fishing next year and this rod and reel would definitely help. Tight lines and thanks ???

  • Hi Ryan, my name is Aidan and I’m 16 years old. I’ve lived on the Cape my whole life and would definitely like this set up!! With all the spots around loaded with fish this would be a great new set up!

  • Hey Ryan! My name is Mike and I am 14. In the summer I fish in buzzards bay. I’ve watched a lot of your videos on how to catch Albies and Striper and I was really inspired to try to catch some myself. I don’t have much saltwater gear and it would mean so much to me if I won this giveaway. I cant wait to really start saltwater fishing next summer. Excited for summer 2021!

  • Hello, my name is Marco and I have been fishing on cape cod since I was born. I am 18 now and would love some new gear! Thanks for the giveaway!

  • Hi Ryan! My name is Davis, I am 17 and live right near Boston mass. A couple years ago I went to the canal for the first time and caught my first striper coming in at 35 inches I was super proud of myself. Now my personal best striper is 43 inches and I have grown to love fishing for these stripers. If I won’t this giveaway I would put more time into fishing the canal, and would also try to target my first tuna with this rod. I love what you do for the cape cod fishing community and I always find your fishing reports extremely helpful!

  • My name is Sam, I’m 17 and I began fishing two summers ago with my cousin and have fell in love with it. I have learned so much about the sport of fishing but in particular striper fishing. I Would love to have this beautiful new rod to use with my cousin this summer and the following summers after! Thanks for the opportunity to win

    • Since retiring on the Cape 2 years ago and picking up fishing again that I haven’t done since I was 12, Ryan has been great with tips that shortened my learning curve on how to best fish again. I am having a blast fishing both salt & fresh water! Thanks!!

  • Hey Ryan,
    The Cape is one my happy places, this would just give me a great excuse to be there and be happy! Thanks for the opportunity, and good luck everyone else!

    • Hi Ryan. My name is JP. I am 17 years old and I live in Plymouth. You came into my school two year ago and talked to us about all the fishing opportunities we have access to on cape cod. Definitely a lot of information I learned from you. Hopefully I see you out on the water next season! Tight lines!!!

    • Im patrick and I am 18. I love to fish and go boating. Ive grown up on the water and just recently saved up and bought a 19ft center console to go fishing more! I love to fish for striped bass and bluefish.

  • Hi Ryan! My name is Mark and I’m from Taunton and these lures would be great for me to split with my brother for the canal. I hope everyone the best tight lines

  • Hey my name is Will abs I’m 14 years old from North Attleboro mass and I wanna enter so I can get into surf casting because I can’t afford any surf gear with how expensive it has become.
    Email: [email protected]

  • Hey my name is will Rodden and I’m a 14 years old am certainly addicted to fishing, I fish Kennebunkport Maine and in Chatham Mass mainly for striper all summer. The reason I would like this setup would be because I have no gear for surf casting and I don’t have enough money to buy a surf set up. Good luck to everyone else who entered tho and hope I win!

  • I’m Eli, 18, and I love surfcasting the beaches of the south shore MA. This rod and reel would certainly be put to good use!

  • I grown up at Eastern Europe Aegean sea. I learnt how to fishing there and surfing. And life and career brought me all over other side of Atlantic. Thank you Ryan and Myfishingcapecod , your videos are great guide to learn best spot and tips in Cape Cod fishing.

  • Hi Ryan,
    My name is Matt, I’m 16. I fish out of Falmouth and I love fishing. I love your account and fishing reports, they have helped me a lot. I would love to win the rod setup, thank you

  • Hi my name is Tate, I’m 16 and my cousin and I have been going fishing a lot lately, but I have the find the setup I use for salt water isn’t suitable like the one he has, and with this giveaway it would be the perfect opportunity to upgrade to continue on with my fishing, thanks for the chance to win!

  • Hi my name is chance and I have been fishing for a couple years now and been fishing cape for two years I really enjoy fishing but when you loose a lure it’s no fun so I hope I win

  • My names Nick, I am 17. I would love to win this combo to fish the beaches and marshes wish when I want to get away from the canal crowds. Thanks for the chance to win

  • Hey Ryan, my name is Quinn and I’m a 16 year old local on cape cod. I’m a fishaholic and would love to win this giveaway!

    • Hey Ryan, my name is Matt, I’m 16 and I love fishing. I fish out of cape cod and would love to win the fishing gear. Thanks

  • My names Brendan I’m 15 and I would love to win this setup so my dad can join me on fishing trips and get into the surfcasting sport!

  • Hi my name is Caroline and I am 16. I taught myself how to fish over lockdown this spring and love fishing with my friends for stripers in the lower and outer cape area. I also like to freshwater fish for bass and pickerel too. Thanks for the chance to win some new gear.


  • Hi Ryan, My name is Colin and I am 8 years old. Fishing is the best. I caught my first striper this past spring and my first sea bass this summer. I met you on the dock in Sandwich this summer. You came over to our boat and said hi.

  • Hi Ryan, I truly enjoy receiving your email reports on great fishing around the Cape. I’ve also enjoyed your TV shows by recording them so as not to miss an episode. Your always full of useful information no matter the experience of the angler. The underwater videos are the best! Please keep them coming.

    • Hi Ryan. I’m Henry G and I’ll be 12 on 12-12!!! I like to fish with my dad for stripers and can’t wait until the Spring!

  • I’m Chris, 15. And my dad got me into surf fishing when I was 13. I haven’t been able to get my own rod and reel for salt water fishing yet. I just want to be able to fish with my dad more often with my own setup.

  • hi ryan my names william henault jr. im 12 years old.. i enjoy fishing alot with my dad we do the striper cup together and this year i even made the picture board a bunch of times..the new set up would be an awesome prize..thank you for the chance to win

  • Hi, Ryan. My I’m 16 years old and love to surf cast for stripers on Nauset Beach in Orleans. I spent many nights out there this summer. Thank you and the anonymous donor for the giveaway! – Will

  • Hi im in 8th grade, i would love to win this so i can start fishing haha. I have been looking into fishing but dont have the money to start. It would mean the world to me IF i can win.
    Big thanks to the anonymous member of My Fishing Cape Cod and Ryan! You both catch a 60 pounder bass for me if i don’t win.

  • Hi my name is Max and I am 9. I like to go fishing and I would love to win your giveaway! (My brother is typing this for me)

  • Hello my name is AJ I’m 13 and I love fishing. It is my favorite thing to do, and my family has been fishing forever! I would love to win this giveaway and thank you for this opportunity if I don’t win anyways!

  • I’m 14 and fish with my dad as often as we can. I broke the tip of my surf rod in the spring so I’d love to win this. Thanks.

  • Heyyyy Ryan and the very generous member,
    Thank you for allowing me this chance to get into fishing!!
    SO please enter me.

  • Hello, I am Noor and I would love to win this. I broke my rod from slipping off a rock and this setup would be amazing.


  • Hello Ryan Collins,

    I am a 13 year old and I would like to be in this giveaway, I would love to win this give-away because I want to surprise my other 13 year old brother with his new-set up.

    Ishaaq Naji
    Norton, Massachusetts

  • Please enter my Daughter Lena. She is 12 years old and enjoys fishing with me. Just last weekend she was with me fishing for Macs at the Canal. Thanks

  • Was watching your newest video on YouTube with my dad my name is Connor and I’m 12 from North Attleboro Massachusetts

  • My names Tyler Ossen and I’m 16 years old. I live in New York and would love to win the setup so I could head to Long Island and fish the striper runs every year!

  • I am Omid, 7 years old and would like to win the giveaway stuff. I fish with my dady and like fishing and crabbing very much. I am using my dady’s email address. Thank you!

  • Hi Ryan, I’m Zak, I’m a 15 year old cape cod local. Considering the fact I live in cape cod with all these easy access and spots filled with fish, with a surf set up like this would be a great idea to not only get kids into fishing but into a easy way of fishing. Living on cape cod there’s so many spots you can kill the albie, striper, sharks, and bluefish game. Thanks.

    • Hey Zac, you are definitely correct that there are tons of great spots for fishing here on Cape. We are very lucky to be surrounded by so many wonderful areas! Good luck in the giveaway and thanks for stopping by MFCC. ?

  • Hello!

    Frankie Mezzatesta III here, please submit a chance at the giveaway for my 6yr old son. He loves fishing so far and wants to try surfcasting! This would be a great starter combo when he’s ready, which is not too far away! 🙂

  • Hi Ryan,
    Im Richard and im 16, i USED to fish all around NY Long Island. I say that I USED to because i don’t have anything to fish with anymore bc i tripped on the jetty and broke my rod AND reel 🙁
    I can’t afford to buy a new combo for surf fishing because the place i work part time closed down because of the virus. So please enter me to win this amazing combo and lures so i can hopefully catch an amazing striped bass with.


    P.S. is it possible for you to enter one of my friends as well? He is also getting into fishing. His name is Austin and he is 16 as well.

    • I’m really sorry to hear about your broken rod and reel. I’ve done the same exact thing before! I will definitely enter your name into the giveaway. I’ll also enter Austin. Good luck and be sure to check back on Thursday to see who the winner is!

  • Hi Ryan, my name is Owen Vaughan and I am 15 and love fishing the beaches of Cape Cod with my dad. Please enter me in the raffle for the generous fishing package you are giving away.
    Happy Holidays!

  • Hello,
    I am 15 and a half years of age and would love to have a chance to win this combo. I would use it on the cape and in many other places.

  • Hi my name is Will and I am 13. My dad, brother, and I love fishing especially for striped bass. Thank you for this chance to win this gear!

  • Myles, age 14 is my diehard surfcaster! He has a solid inshore setup but would love a 9’ 3” Airwave to throw bigger plugs. Very generous giveaway, Ryan. Thx.

  • Hi my name is Will and I am 13. My dad, brother, and I love to fish and especially love to fish for striped bass. Thank you for this chance to win this gear!

  • Good afternoon Mr. Collins, I am 14 years young. I don’t have the best gear but still love fishing the canal. Hope to get lucky and win, but either way thanks for giving everyone the chance to win this rod, reel, and tackle. ?

  • My daughter Skylar Bleakley would love her own salt water set up. She is all set in the freshwater category but she would love to join her daddy chasing striper. Thank you Ryan

  • Hi, Ryan my name is Tyler Branson
    I am 14 years old I’ve been fishing the cape my whole life during the spring summer and fall and I am super dedicated to the sport over the summer I Caught my first tuna which was 810 pounds! Please enter me into the contest

  • Please enter Brayden Simmons age 8. He is obsessed with fishing and joins us every chance he gets including the meetups during the off season.

  • Hi Ryan, thank you for holding this! Please enter Harrison B. (age 14) and William B. (age 12). We fish all over Cape Cod but most often the flats in Brewster, thanks again,

  • Hey Ryan, my name is Joe and I would love to be entered into the contest. I definitely need to upgrade to some better equipment!!!

  • Hi my name is Rayna Avidon and I am 8 years old. During the summer I fish with my dad a lot and could really use a new rod and reel. Thanks

  • My name is Sam and I’m 14. I share a mfcc account with my dad and would love to add to some gear to my collection for next season.

  • Hi I am Mikalee I am 11 years old and I would love to win the free gear that you are giving away so I can have more gear to fish with my grandmother Leslie Kalinowski.

  • I’m in! My name is Jake Willard, I share a MFCC account with my dad and fish the cape all summer. I would love to win to be able to start fishing more from shore as well. Thank you for the chance to win!

  • Hi Ryan,
    I’m Joseph Vinci and I am 14. My dad and I fish as much as we possibly can and share a MFCC account together. Thanks for the oportunity to win some gear.

  • Hi Ryan,

    My name is Emma Schaeffer and I’m 14 years old. I got fishing most weekends with my dad, MFCC member Johan, and I would love to get the rod and reel. Thank you Ryan and donor for the wonderful give away.


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